

7 Years
Apr 20, 2012
Eastern Tennessee
I have some chicks that are about two to three months old . I know most of them are hens but one the comb is redder than the other ones that are the same kind and size. Could it be a roo. it doesn't make a lot of noise so what does that mean. very confused,
All chickens will eventually get red combs and wattles. She is probably just maturing a little faster than her sisters, but if you post some pictures it would be easier to tell for sure.
My chicks are a little over 4 wks old and none of them, 4 white leghorns and 2 red rangers, have a comb that big. The red rangers are starting to turn red, and I'm really worried one's a roo, cause one has a slightly bigger comb, but NOTHING like this one.

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