Shadow Paints foaling/kidding Thread.Twitch COLT pics pg 477!!

I know I'm going to regret this, but I have to go to bed. Its already 3:30 and my daughter is having her birthday party at noon. I'll get up around 7:00 and see what has happened!
jeez thats a bit late to be goin to bed.
its 10.30 pm here sat nite 19th
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It's pm sat night here! I'm just got back from a crazy shopping day, left my credit card in the shopping cart after my 4yr old dropped it and I forgot it
Thank goodness it was still there when I went back!!! Glad to see Harley making some progress!
Okay, since I've become a goat watching addict I've developed a routine. I check the thread from bed in the morning then get up and check the cam. Read the thread today then bolted up so I wouldn't miss anything and all I see is a goat statue! She's sitting up alert with a foot out front but not moving. From the thread I read I was expecting active pushing if not babies!! Fooled by Harley again.
once again! you watch ..It's Sat I'll be watching on and off all day. I have to run to town later for 1/2 and thats when she will decide to drop triplettes!!!

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