Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Three hours today. Split day as usual. Had meetings this morning and this afternoon
As Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’"
This doesn’t apply for me. Of course it’s not all good they do. But thankfully we have them organising social help, education, police, garbage men, keepers of the public domain like streets and parks, administation for documents like drivers licences, giving permissions to build (or not) and they advice in adjusting plans, licences and regulations for festivities, restaurants and bars, all to make it possible to live together in one community or town.
I won't be moving. The flat I was informed about was not the flat I was offered finally.
That's a shame; I completely understand why though, given its size and position.
It would have been 1.1 miles compared to 6.4 miles.
Will they offer you another better one in the same complex in due course, or having rejected the first offered will you be removed from the waiting list there?
As Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’"
Er, this is the same guy who launched a military invasion against the very not terrifying island of Granada, so ... as they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Just because this quote may be an accurate assessment of government competence doesn't mean Reagan's clock wasn't broken.

Besides, the legacy of Reagan's rule as being governed by laissez faire principals is mostly myth. They used Milton Friedman as poster boy for free markets while the Federal Reserve manipulated the economy -- and the fate of millions -- via interest rates. There was actually an extreme amount of government maneuvering in the private sector during the Reagan years, it just was directed more to the benefit of corporations and less at social welfare.

I'm not arguing that one is "better" than the other. Merely saying that the widely cherished belief that Reagan reduced the government is not accurate. He only reduced it in some areas to grow it massively in others.
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My objection is the attempting to make vaccines mandatory for backyard chickens is it has very little to do with attempting to protect backyard flocks and it's primarily about protecting the large commercial egg and meat producers.
My plan, based on everything that I have read here, (a lot from you, @Perris and @TropicalChickies and others in other threads.) is to encourage the chickens natural immunity.
  • Provide proper feed.
  • Provide a clean, natural (as possible) living environment.
  • Supply natural immunity boosters, such as oregano, rosemary, turmeric, that they can eat as needed.
  • Observe proper quarantine procedures, if we ever add any more members, from outside the flock.
If the backyard flocks build their immunity, naturally, they will be stronger and pass that on to their chicks and over generations, that natural immunity should become stronger than anything they could get from a vaccine.
As funny as it would be to see the rednecks fighting back against mandatory flock vaccines, I don't think it'll even get that far.
My mom works in government and the country folk (of which I am born and raised) fight any form of control. As a kid I was personally threatened because mom fined illegal junkyards and such. It would be just too hard to enforce further restrictions.

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