Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Sorry to bring you this awful news. There are plastic particles in our meat and milk. The Netherlands exports a lot of milk and meat all over Europe and even further. So it’s very well possible you eat or drink it too.


The plastic comes from the feed industry who throw in unsold products from the supermarkets.

They didn’t investigate chickens or chicken feed. Only cows, pigs. And feed for mammals. But there is no reason to believe that chicken feed isn’t contaminated too.

I think I make a new thread with this.
And adding tax for posting a non chicken subject.
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It's unfortunately already been shown by a number of studies that humans ingest huge amounts of plastic like this one
or this one
It has been found in human placentas also.
You will probably eat a bit less plastic if you don't drink water or sodas in plastic bottles, don't eat sea animals, drink milk, eat meat.... But I would bet even hard core organic vegans eat plastic, unfortunately.
It's unfortunately already been shown by a number of studies that humans ingest huge amounts of plastic like this one
or this one
It has been found in human placentas also.
You will probably eat a bit less plastic if you don't drink water or sodas in plastic bottles, don't eat sea animals, drink milk, eat meat.... But I would bet even hard core organic vegans eat plastic, unfortunately.
Question: is it very bad for us?

I would have thought no or not very bad.

Next Q: is it bad for other mammals, fish, or birds?

I found an editorial of a special edition that says plastic ingestion slows growth but I haven't looked at the precise details yet.
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I think we need to distinguish between the stuff that passes through, and the stuff that remains. For example, it is obviously bad for sealife that starves to death because its stomach is full of plastic.
Yes. Good point.

I thought we were discussing microplastics, but maybe not?
I spent half an hour looking for the chicks this morning.
They must read this thread because they had found the chicken summer poop pile on the other side of the garden and they were scratching it over 🤣.

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