Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Well I've got lots of pictures for tax so...
Opium of the people ?
If only. Bear in mind that the Scots haven't fared well under English rule. It's that combination of church and state that I have most difficulty with. The monarchy are there by divine right apparently. People seem to forget the murders, the robbing, the treachery, the nepotism and finally, although there is lots more inbetween you can't vote them out. It's a war and like in every war, there is no animosity towards the person wearing the uniform; it's just that they wear that uniform. As Queen and consort Betty and Phill were better than many if history is to be belived. Charles; he might make a good butler.

If you had a vote about this now, do you believe the majority of UK citizens would chose to end the monarchy ?
Maybe not UK citizens because the Scottish and The Welsh Nationalists are not the greatest of fans. Left to the English I'm afraid to say that they would probably vote to keep them, maybe with reduced relative dependance and title.
Even those middle of the road voters who accept that a monarchy is an anachronism will probably say they do good works, attract tourists and give the UK something special. All of this is true, but what else are you going to do when you have that much money and power. You're not going to go to work are you?
For an unemployed family they seem to have an awful lot of money and own an awful lot of land.:p
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The British royalty are religion. The Queen/King are the head of the Church of England
I will likely get thrown off for this, but that isn't religion, that is simply the establishment.

'The Church of England is the Tory party at Prayer'. Benjamin Disraeli (though I am not 100% sure he actually said it).
Henry and Matilda.
I went to the allotments early today, partly to get the crew out before the forcasted rain arrived and partly for the need of a bit of quiet time and getting on with the run. BBC Bristol weather forecast heavy rain and then more showers from 6pm onwards. The Meteorological web site said it wasn't going to be that bad. I took the optomists pick and got there at 4pm just in case.:p
The was one heavy burst of rain and that was it.


I was about to clean out the coop when one of the Legbars decided she might want to lay an egg. She left when I opened the door and came back with Henry.

Henry waiting for the Legbar to settle.

When it rained.

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