Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I'm starting to think the allotment chickens eat better than you!
So am I!:hmm

The question becomes "Would C be willing to 'allow' 2 more chickens?"
C doesn't have any more say in what happens with the chickens than anyone else in the group. We've gone a bit democratic. We have mapped and measured plots now, a new treasurer, new members and I own the coop and the coop run and half the allotment run are my responsibility.
Dry and sunny. There was a small amount of rain overnight. It was getting chilly when I left the allotments at 9.15pm.
There was a plot holders meeting this afternoon. 12 people altogether. I don't think I've ever seem that many at the allotments before.
The chickens did get out on to the allotments, mainly so I could show the other plot holders that while supervised there would be minimal damage by having the chickens roaming around.

Lima started to look uncomfortable shortly after I arrived and later she headed off to one of the nest boxes. I ope she'll be okay. She was still in the nest box when I got the others into the coop for the night.

Today a scene from the Grand Budapest Hotel has been playing out for real in front of me: a tourist guide activated his network of contacts to ensure that some luggage, unfortunately missed by an apologetic porter and left unloaded at a hotel left behind some hours earlier, will make its way as if by magic to tomorrow's destination :D
It worked! The gentleman and his luggage were reunited! :clap:lol:
How is Lima? I’ve been thinking/worrying about her since your last post. :fl:love
She's still with us. Not quite as chipper as usual but far from deaths door. She justs seems tired and spent half an hour on my lap this afternoon dozing in the late afternoon sun.
Four and a half hours today. Warmish and sunny mostly. Quiet at the allotments. One leaving as I arrived and one other arrived around 7pm. There is always stuff to do and I did some of it: mostly weeding and a bit of construction in the coop run.
Fret and Carbon bathing.

Henry keeping Lima company in the allotment run. The allotment run has mostly recovered from last years high stocking pressure and I gather there are bugs and things to eat again.

Everybody got out on to the allotments between eating and bathing. Scrambled egg and organic pumpkin seeds for supper. I got given a bag and even had some for my supper along with black olives, tomatoes, walnuts, almonds, dried vegetables, pickled onions, mange tout, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds with a couple of slices of Spanish air dried ham.
(just to let bruceha2000 know I do eat something :D)
Lima spent an hour or so either on my lap or close to my legs in the shade.

Henry was very attentive and took her for a bit of a forage under the fruit bushes after her rest.

Last bug check before returning to the allotment run for a grooming session before heading for the coop extension roost bar. Such a success the extension roost bar,:wee

I put Henry, Ella Lima and Fret on the ramp at about 9.15pm and carbon made her own way in a minute or two later.

I did some tidying up on my plot and got the brussel sprouts in. Varied success reports on growing the from seed. It's wait and see what comes up.

Made a start on the nightmare on the other side of the fruit bushes before heading to my eldest for a cup of tea before catching the train home.
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