Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Damp with drizzle most of the day. Four hours today with a late lunch break.
Last lateral flow test this evening; negative so I can visit people again.
There is no label.:D
Well I fed them a handfull straight from the bag and they ate it. The peas met some initial skepticism but even the chicks ate them after watching Henry eat them.
Agreed the price is outrageous but this is just a test.
That's a pity. By marketing this mix as something for pigeons and wild birds only, they sit outside all legislation on ingredients for animals who or whose products may enter the human food chain, and don't have to list all ingredients and comply with other regs that apply to anything explicitly sold as poultry feed. (Which should offer some minimum guarantee of quality, but it doesn't always work that way of course. The rules can be weird, e.g. here in the UK dogfood has to be fit for human consumption, but we don't eat dogs.) Bamford products do list all ingredients, even though they're marketed just for pigeons.

Anyway, I'm glad they liked the peas; they're good for them. Chirk is very fond of peas too and always selects them first, while Zimmet eats them but always skins the maple ones first; if there's anything left in the bowls here when the flock's had their fill, it's always just maple peas. I chuck them on the lawn and they're gone by morning; I think the voles, shrews, hedgehogs and whatnot wandering round overnight eat them.

Glad to hear you're officially over Covid.
I’ve only just found this thread and don’t have enough time to read through it all, but I’ve read the earliest pages and some of the later ones to try and get a feel for it. Thank you for helping this flock, @Shadrach. And I’m sorry about those geese. It is infuriating when people don’t even try.

I’m in the U.K. and currently help care for my parents’ flock of 19 (was 20 on Monday 😩). My parents are good people but don’t care for the chickens as I would if I lived there. Currently I work from their house on weekdays so can do a lot with the flock but I don’t control what they are fed etc. 14 of the current 19 are sort of rescues… 1 is a remaining ex-batt, 8 just arrived last week from people in the village who let them get into a real state and 5 came from someone else in the village last year who did the same. It makes me so mad! The other 5 are accidental homebreds (hen disappeared, we thought eaten by fox, but was on eggs in the hedge). I am trying my best with lots of issues, no good local poultry vets and limited products (I also use a lot of pigeon stuff). But at least we try.

I hope you are feeling OK @Shadrach… I know I’ve missed most of the thread but I think I got the gist and I realise how frustrated you must feel sometimes and how sad it is to see this flock without adequate care. They are lucky to have you.

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