Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Very interesting. I don't think I have these genes. I only eat meat about twice per week but the times in my life I tried to cut it out completely I would just be exhausted and in a brain fog al the time. I have a low red blood cell count (normal, but on the very low end of normal) so when I do eat meat, I go for the higher iron meats. Eggs and sardines are also helpful to keeping my energy level steady.
The info on genes and needing meat to feel healthy for people with certain genes is new for me.

I learned that if you want to eat vegetarian, you can’t just take out the meat of your diet without replacing it with some kind of ‘substitute’ like beans, seeds or nuts. And to keep your level of iron up by eating green veggies and other food high in iron.

Long time ago I was on a trip in Greece for 6 weeks and ate vegetarian, but the food in restaurants was very simple in those days. Green spinach like veggies were not available. After 5 weeks I started to feel dizzy and for me it was obvious I had eaten not enough food with iron in it.
I recognised it from when I was a teenager. After a two meals with liver and red meat I felt okay again.

To people who want to eat vegan, they recommend to take special vitamin/essentials tablets with B vitamins that are very rare in a vegan diet.

The article isn’t very specific. But I can imagine that there are differences in our genes that contribute is specific needs to a certain extend.
I've tried all sort of ways of eating, some of that was trying to disguise an eating disorder, and some of it was trying to resolve digestive and hormonal health issues. I've been vegetarian, gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, all of the above at once, keto, paleo.... for over 15 years of my life I was restricting my eating in some way or another.

Now I eat anything and everything, in moderation. I cook and bake at least 80% of what we eat (including breads, sauces etc). No restrictions on that though, I cook/bake with plenty of flour, sugar, salt and butter. I've finally (mostly) accepted the way my body wants to be, and I can maintain that with little effort. It's just chunkier than a younger me was willing to accept.

The main component in my life that resolved my digestive and hormone issues was being happy and not stressed all the time. Easier said than done! But the moment I lose my grip on stressors, all the issues are right back again. That's actually one of the reasons I disappear from online every so often, I'm trying to manage overwhelm.

I'll have to get some excellent rooster photos for tax after this!
I can imagine what you have been going through :hugs.

I can get sick of food as well. It started about 15 years ago and got worse with the years. For me its a combination of stress and food that is rich in histamines or triggers my body to make more histamines. Since I have a diet with lower histamines and take anti-histamine (allergy) every day, I don’t have much problems with overreactions anymore.
This is what I found walking up the path through the allotments to the chicken run.
We have a new group treasurer. The group has been without a treasurer for at least five years, for which of course, there are no proper accounts. The Vice Chairman has under a bit of pressure resigned. We'll be sacking the Chairman when we can get hold of him.
We have a commitee; there are some problems to iron out but they're there.
After many years of trying to see the full lease documant we now have a copy; two now in fact.
C has accepted a document I drafted which acts as a reciept for plot payments with the allotment rules.
C is "taking a break" from the allotment for the next couple of months at least. We shall see.
Congrats! This is good news.
The eldest's husband came back from their holidays with Covid. It seems likely that the youngest has Covid as well.:rolleyes:
Of course, you know its not you, who caused this. Hope your family is well again pretty soon. Do you feel completely better now? Not easily exhausted after doing a bit of work?

Same with me. I feel better when I eat meats.

Yeah, I mean you won't see me at Bonanza grill stuffing down a 2lb steak (excessive), but small portions of meat a few times a week and an egg per day really help to keep me on an even keel. Also, not eating grain. I do eat quinoa and amaranth for carbs, but they are seeds. And of course the plantains and cassava we grow are good high fiber nutrient rich carbs without gluten.
I’ve done it all too…vegan & vegetarian made me sick and weak…I have a few conditions that seem to be doing well on what I call pegan (paleo-vegan mix)? TONS of organic veggies (raw & cooked), meat protein (locally & ethically sourced) at 2 plus meals a day. Healthy fats unrestricted (ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado), and small amounts of fruit & nuts. I added in grassfed yogurt & organic kefir as well. I had terrible gut problems that seem to finally be resolved and I feel good w lots of energy.

To each his own. We all have to find what works for us.
Let’s hope C really is taking a break from the allotments. They could‘ve at least tried to bury the poor geese and horrid for the 2 males being Christmas dinner without even a decent quality of life beforehand :he
Very true, but the geese probably had a better life than the geese and most other animals in factory farming. Life is bitter for almost all animals were ‘humans’ buy pieces from in the regular supermarkets.

It makes me so sad that some people who have a mouthful of animal abuse (cats, dogs, and all kind of in house and backyard keepings) keep buying cheap meat in the shops. In general : the cheaper the meat, the more is wrong is done.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a vegetarian. But I only eat about once a month organic meat and once or twice a week wild ocean fish. It’s my way of coping with the cruelty in factory farming and slaughterhouses.

Tax for rambling : unreal AI picture of the world

And an unreal chicken family watching tv
The info on genes and needing meat to feel healthy for people with certain genes is new for me.

I learned that if you want to eat vegetarian, you can’t just take out the meat of your diet without replacing it with some kind of ‘substitute’ like beans, seeds or nuts. And to keep your level of iron up by eating green veggies and other food high in iron.

Long time ago I was on a trip in Greece for 6 weeks and ate vegetarian, but the food in restaurants was very simple in those days. Green spinach like veggies were not available. After 5 weeks I started to feel dizzy and for me it was obvious I had eaten not enough food with iron in it.
I recognised it from when I was a teenager. After a two meals with liver and red meat I felt okay again.

To people who want to eat vegan, they recommend to take special vitamin/essentials tablets with B vitamins that are very rare in a vegan diet.

The article isn’t very specific. But I can imagine that there are differences in our genes that contribute is specific needs to a certain extend.

There is a book on Blood Type Diets.

In this book it tells what each blood type eats.

With my blood type it was right on.

I'm a carnivore.

I love meat.
Very true, but the geese probably had a better life than the geese and most other animals in factory farming. Life is bitter for almost all animals were ‘humans’ buy pieces from in the regular supermarkets.

It makes me so sad that some people who have a mouthful of animal abuse (cats, dogs, and all kind of in house and backyard keepings) keep buying cheap meat in the shops. In general : the cheaper the meat, the more is wrong is done.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a vegetarian. But I only eat about once a month organic meat and once or twice a week wild ocean fish. It’s my way of coping with the cruelty in factory farming and slaughterhouses.

Tax for rambling : unreal AI picture of the world
View attachment 3653138
And an unreal chicken family watching tv
View attachment 3653139

I like the picture of the chickens watching TV.
Stress is a killer, so you have to do what makes you happy and less stressed. I get overwhelmed with a lot of social interaction, so occasionally just read through to make sure everyone is ok, and like comments and pop back out.

I had thyroid issues so I had the radioactive iodine therapy to kill my thyroid, so lot's of things impact the way I feel. I have found, for me, eating low to no carbs and intermittent fasting, helps manage my reaction to stress. The only veg I eat are things we grow in our own garden, completely organic. I avoid corn, root veg, except the occasional swede (rutabaga). We just harvested 20 pounds of Brussel sprouts, and I will have a few of those with Sunday roast, but no Yorkshire puddings or roasted potatoes. I don't miss anything and I basically eat what I want. I made a sourdough starter so I could bake my husband some bread, and I had a slice to make sure it was good. ;-)
Smart choices.

Corn and nightshade vegetables (including white potatoes) have been shown to increase inflammation in the body. If I eat any of them I get a sinus headache and my arthritis flares up.

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