Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.


@Shadrach or anyone else who has any ideas as to what to do with this problem.

We have that rooster. He's been ripping out the head feathers on the ones he mates the most, and now seems to be yanking the heads just for fun. He's also harassing the others that he doesn't always bestow his attentions on. Anything we can do to stop this behavior? Beetov-hen seems to have been not feeling well lately and we think it's because of this.
Three hours today. It stayed dry and chilly at 6C.
Just about finished filling the herb patch with compost I've dug up from a heap that was the year before last where I dumped the bedding from the coop. Fortunately nobody else has worked out that weed covered mound has some lovely compost underneath,

These pictures should give you some idea of Digs scaly leg mite problem. Mow's legs are much much better while Digs legs are getting rough again. Not great pictures unfortunately.


Because I've handled Mow a lot treating her legs my lap is now okay to hop onto if she thinks she can avoid Carbon when food is in the offing.

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@Shadrach or anyone else who has any ideas as to what to do with this problem.

We have that rooster. He's been ripping out the head feathers on the ones he mates the most, and now seems to be yanking the heads just for fun. He's also harassing the others that he doesn't always bestow his attentions on. Anything we can do to stop this behavior? Beetov-hen seems to have been not feeling well lately and we think it's because of this.
How awful. I hope Shad or anyone else recognises this and has a good advice.

I have no such experience but would set him apart immediately (not see not touch). A rooster that harasses his girls is not okay imo.

But I have no clue on how to bring the rooster back in the group again after a time out/seperation. Maybe I would choose to send him to heaven (euthanise) and get the girls a descent rooster instead from someone who has too many, or a give the hens a live without one for the time being.
View attachment 3781989
@Shadrach or anyone else who has any ideas as to what to do with this problem.

We have that rooster. He's been ripping out the head feathers on the ones he mates the most, and now seems to be yanking the heads just for fun. He's also harassing the others that he doesn't always bestow his attentions on. Anything we can do to stop this behavior? Beetov-hen seems to have been not feeling well lately and we think it's because of this.
I had a couple that had troubles mating. They would get frustrated and take it out on the hens. But mine are meat mutts and prone to leg problems after a few years. Still have a better life than what I used to buy for dinner. So I solve by pressure cooker...or a younger takes over and the old stays on the fringe.
View attachment 3781989
@Shadrach or anyone else who has any ideas as to what to do with this problem.

We have that rooster. He's been ripping out the head feathers on the ones he mates the most, and now seems to be yanking the heads just for fun. He's also harassing the others that he doesn't always bestow his attentions on. Anything we can do to stop this behavior? Beetov-hen seems to have been not feeling well lately and we think it's because of this.
How old is the naughty boy? I have seen this occasionally with my juniors, it is like they are trying to challenge Blue for his crown and force some of the girls to switch allegiance.

At first, Blue would just stand there and watch almost looking a bit overwhelmed, but when I expressed my disapproval of their methods,(and lecture them about using charm not brute force..LOL) Goldie and Spud stop immediately at the sound of my voice and recently, Blue has started to intervene. It is like he has realized, that he has the right to stop the other boys from being naughty.

Goldie and Spud still get grabby once in awhile, but now Blue stops them when one of the girls cries out and the 3 of them work together to keep the 2 youngest boys in check. Blue also intervenes when Goldie and Spud try to have little spats. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, so I always praise Blue and give him extra treats to help establish that he has my full support.

It is better this year, compared to last year (the first year.) so I am hoping that as they mature, it will continue to improve. Some of the more confident ladies also have started pecking the boys if they seem to be getting a little rough.
How old is the naughty boy? I have seen this occasionally with my juniors, it is like they are trying to challenge Blue for his crown and force some of the girls to switch allegiance.

At first, Blue would just stand there and watch almost looking a bit overwhelmed, but when I expressed my disapproval of their methods,(and lecture them about using charm not brute force..LOL) Goldie and Spud stop immediately at the sound of my voice and recently, Blue has started to intervene. It is like he has realized, that he has the right to stop the other boys from being naughty.

Goldie and Spud still get grabby once in awhile, but now Blue stops them when one of the girls cries out and the 3 of them work together to keep the 2 youngest boys in check. Blue also intervenes when Goldie and Spud try to have little spats. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, so I always praise Blue and give him extra treats to help establish that he has my full support.

It is better this year, compared to last year (the first year.) so I am hoping that as they mature, it will continue to improve. Some of the more confident ladies also have started pecking the boys if they seem to be getting a little rough.
He and the hens are almost a year now.
He and the hens are almost a year now.
He's one year old and it's coming to be spring. He is at the worse of hormonal surge.
Hopefully a few more months will make a huge difference in his way of mating. It's not 100% certain, especially if the hens are not cooperative. Does he still behave like this with the hens who crouch for him ?

You don't have many options if you want to keep him and wait until he matures. One option is to isolate him, which I understand is a last resort for roosters, as being with their hens is essential to their well being.
If you notice his behaviour happens more often just after opening the coop and /or before roosting, which is a time when hormones act up, you could isolate him just for an hour at those moments.

Or you could have a safe space for the harassed hens, isolating them (best not to isolate one on her own).

Or if none of the above seem possible, you could always provide more perches or things to jump on for the hens. A rooster will not be able to try to mate a hen that is perched. If you have space, places to hide from sight are also welcome.
He and the hens are almost a year now.
So he is still a bit awkward and clumsy in his romantic intentions. Poor boy. Since there isn't a mature Rooster for him to learn from, you may have to intervene. I use verbal, calling them by name and saying 'no' or 'quit being rapey jerks!' if they don't stop, I will go over and peck them on the shoulder while repeating the verbal queues above. LOL Blue, Goldie and Spud are just over a year, Pip and Squeak will be a year old in May, so they are still pretty hormonally insane, except Blue.

I would recommend, if you can be with them in the morning when they are first released from the coop and in the evening before they go to roost, and give him some gentle but firm correction and give him treats to share with the ladies, it will help him learn. Roosters are complex, but so worth the effort. :)
So he is still a bit awkward and clumsy in his romantic intentions. Poor boy. Since there isn't a mature Rooster for him to learn from, you may have to intervene. I use verbal, calling them by name and saying 'no' or 'quit being rapey jerks!' if they don't stop, I will go over and peck them on the shoulder while repeating the verbal queues above. LOL Blue, Goldie and Spud are just over a year, Pip and Squeak will be a year old in May, so they are still pretty hormonally insane, except Blue.

I would recommend, if you can be with them in the morning when they are first released from the coop and in the evening before they go to roost, and give him some gentle but firm correction and give him treats to share with the ladies, it will help him learn. Roosters are complex, but so worth the effort. :)
That sounds better than isolating him.

'quit being rapey jerks!'
I can imagine how well that would go over here...

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