Shame on me... please dont judge

Keep us posted. It'll be very interesting to see the outcome. Until next time we'll just keep
Well, for now-- leave them be, don't open the bator, keep the humidity up for optimal hatch, and see what happens. You can't go back and change anything now-- just start from here and see if there are any successful hatches out of it.
I have heard that pullet eggs are not the best to hatch anyway, they advise against trying it because of the problems they can have with hatching and being deformed.
So it may not be your fault anyway if there is a bad hatch because it might have happened regardless.
I certainly did not know about any danger of deformity, I thought it was just no hatch because they might not be fertile. ohmygawd' I sure hpe that is not the case here.. I hate it when I see such..
I have not checked them since I last posted. Ill check soon and post. I will probably lose sleep tonight and for what? an empty incubator.. whine!
A.J.'s :

I just opened it up and found one has cracked open. It was leaking so I took it to the garbage and put it in a plastic bag. I have heard no peeping. This is more stress than if I knew they were taken care of and high e xpectations. A.J.s

hnbubz! Im proud of you for the work you are doing in life.. keep it up and work hard.
The rewards only come to those who look for them.
I read once that "idleness is the holiday of fools" you have a head start. go for it!

thanks so much
and i am sure that a lot of your eggs will hatch
sending (((hugs))) your way!​
It might be a tall tale or an old wives' tale, but....I heard about a bucket of eggs were left in a garage during the summer and some hatched. Of course, it's safe to say those eggs weren't turned either.
I never watch my bators. I have found the less I fidget with them the better hatches I have. I check the temp first thing in the morning just to make sure there has not been a spike and then I do not look at again until the next morning.

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