Share Pics of your Farm Dogs

That's a beautiful Red Heeler. Make me miss my Lady. She was about 13 years old and got lymes disease and the meds for it killed her (it made her so sick). It was sad. She was a great dog!
So many wonderful pics of your loving animals. Enjoyed them all.

Here are our farm dogs: Rose (1/2 Great White Pyrenees / 1/2 heeler/chow mix) and Fluffy (1/4 border collie / 3/4 red heeler)
Wonderful around the chickens. Neither of them do anything to harm the chickens. Fluffy tried couple of times to get a chicken and she was disciplined. She has changed her tune to the chickens. Fluffy will help us find a missing chicken when asked to. We just have to remember not to say "GET" the chicken because she will try to "GET" the chicken. She was trained before chickens came to "GET" things and she takes her jobs serious. Big learning curve for us!!
It helped a lot incubating in the house and have brooder boxes in the house during the winter with the dogs inside as well. We all got so used to the chicks noises all the time.
I guess they feel like they are all part of the family.
Rose likes to keep everything out of our yard and away from our fence line. She even keeps our neighbors cows a good ways away from our fence line inside of their own pasture. She won't let them come close when we are outside. Very protective.
Fluffy just wants to please us and will do anything we ask her to do except for play ball or catch a Frisbee. She is just too serious to do play with us.




These are so GREAT!!!!!! Some of these are hilarious!!

Here are mine, Chevy my superman Aussie (85 Lbs!) and Lola our rescue German Shep. ? checking out the new addition.
She was used to the pony, but this guy is a bit larger! (He's super fat, just stretching funny)


Chevy was shedding his coat and it was humid, poor frizzy boy...

Dark red afterwards!

Lola, it's gonna be ok!
What great dogs
Here are my 2..
Niobe (pronounced Ny-Oh-Bee) a 6 year old female Weim...(with a buddy in the background)


and new to us Duke a 2 year old Pomeranian...

What a fun thread! We are getting chickens next week (first-time chicken owners) and we have a lab and a Yorkie. I'm hoping they will get along as well with the chickens as the dogs on this thread seem to.
Can anyone tell me how we can introduce our 6 (5month old) hens to a new Yellow Lab Puppy. I want the chickens to be able to free range in the yard and have the puppy (and later dog) to be able to be out there too. I see it's possible from some of the pictures. I'm thinking the chickens will be more scared than the 6 week old pup. Thanks for any advice!
Start now, I wouldn't waste any time, put the puppy on a loose leash and test out the "leave it" command on a treat first. Once you have that down bring him to the chickens and introduce. More than likely the chickens will tell the pup how close is too close. As long as you teach the puppy to "respect the chicken" by saying leave it, or to re-direct, everything should fall into place. The WORST thing to do is to keep them apart. Once the puppy knows that the chickens are part of the family, he should be able to accept them.

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