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keep going again in till you see blood then do it over and over until the chick is out. I hope it works!:fl I did this multiple times with mine and it worked except for one who was already dead. I had a chicken stuck in its shell "dead" for three days. to only hear it chirping.

I went to do this and it hadn't gone through the air cell yet
Were did it pip??

no where it ended up being a hole from a hen when I see inside it is perfectly positioned but I haven't seen it move since 9:00 last night so im guessing its dead :( I am very sad since I spent 63.00 dollars and this was the only egg that made it this far I am leaving it and will check tomorrow because it doesn't stink yet
Can some one please help me, it's day 18 and the only egg I have left under my broody seems to have pipped. It looks like a pip not just a crack it's a perfect circle with hairline cracks. When I candled I found it and the chick didn't seem to move at all. Could it just be resting after pipping, I really hope so, or is it dead:( ? Please help!

Have you looked into water candling to see if there is movement in the egg?
Hope this can help ease your fear and answer your question...
Do many people still post on this thread? I'm doing my second hatch under abroody hen, I have 4 eggs given to me as a 'worth a try' as the breeder couldnt be sure if they were fertile as they'd removed the roo that week, and as they didnt have as many eggs as id hoped for so this was a worth a try....but I want to check fertility at the weekend so I can remove them if they're not to give better room and chance to ones that can hatch! It'll be about day 7 when I candle...what are the key things to look for to show if it is/isn't fertilised. Thanks.
Do many people still post on this thread? I'm doing my second hatch under abroody hen, I have 4 eggs given to me as a 'worth a try' as the breeder couldnt be sure if they were fertile as they'd removed the roo that week, and as they didnt have as many eggs as id hoped for so this was a worth a try....but I want to check fertility at the weekend so I can remove them if they're not to give better room and chance to ones that can hatch! It'll be about day 7 when I candle...what are the key things to look for to show if it is/isn't fertilised. Thanks.

I would say veins. This is the link I use- I go by these pictures. I am only on my first batch of eggs myself though.

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