Share your duck pictures here!

These are my 7, three day old baby mallards

Our 3 2 week old Acona's. From the bottom: Jalepeno (Hallie), Blankie (my daughter) and un-named on the top there...ill get up another picture from their first venture outside today. They suddenly all looked up, and lay down and became very quiet, i looked up, and sure enough a big predator bird circeling us...
Oh so cute! What kind of duck is it?

Not sure what kind it is but shes the sweetest thing ever!! I think shes a Cayuga.
I ordered from Holderread's and they don't tell you want kind you get in the assortments. Its a guessing game til they get feathers. Love it though, its been great. I'd swear she was smiling at me in that picture!!
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