My craziest name for one of my chickens is Dinking. Dinking is an Easter egger. I don't really know what it means I just thought it was really cute. I also have a welsummer named pickles a buff orpington named Haddie and a barred rock named Layla. I also used to have a buff orpington named Baby Grapes, a welsummer named Nan and an Easter Egger named diamond ( RIP)

This is pickles she is the same girl as in my avatar, just this picture was taken yesterday and my avatar was taken last August. Pickles was attacked be a raccoon around september and she hasn't layer an egg since
. Look how much her comb has shrunk!
Here is a larger picture of my avatar so everyone can see the difference in her comb size:

Pickles also lost an eye when she was attacked by a raccoon. Also, her tail has been crooked since she was a chick. Pickles is my special needs chicken!

In the front is dinking, in the back is Haddie.

This is Layla
I have a Black Australorp named Niffin, a Cuckoo Maran named Miss Marple, and an Ameraucana named Mrs Norris.

Miss Marple "Hold still. You've got something on your face."

A barred Rock named Baby Doll, an Ameraucana named Waltzing Matilda, and a Jersey Giant rooster named Bigfoot, two partridge Cochin roosters named Frodo and Baggins.
This is cheeks
she is orange and the others are black or black or white. She is the only EE I have. She has tufts on her cheeks. She screams and none of my chickens scream.And she lays mint green eggs, the others lay brown eggs.
We have Buff Orpingtons.

One HEN is named Whitey Bulger. She was the last one we named, because she really never did anything to attract our attention, so we thought an interesting name might grant her the illusion of being interesting. The only thing she has in common with the crime boss is that she occasionally escapes the run and goes on the lam. Unlike the former FBI most wanted, she comes back and asks to be put into the pen again. At least, her waiting to meet me at the front door of my house would seem to indicate that.

Another hen is Borealis. Or Borealis Aurora Light. Her nickname when she was younger was Boris Peckalot, because she was an inquisitive pecker with a large comb - she's a big sweet girl.

The rest of our girls have boring names. But my daughter makes up cute stories about them and what they do in "Chicken Land".
HEY GUYS! I realized that my girl's chickens have some really nutty names. Show me some pictures of yours with their crazy names!
My daughters first black silkie was named JuJuBee and her first white silkie was named Jimmie-Girl. She also has a white leghorn rooster named Disel.
My other daughter's leghorn is called Milky. My leghorn is named Scalpy because she was scalped by a hawk!! I LOVE CRAZY NAMES!!
The ones I have named are fairly normal I think, but my three year old has named a few! Anna, Elsa, Cow, Mango, Lemon, Ladybug, and Marshmallow. 💕

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