Sharing food: Cats and Chickens


Aug 2, 2019
Very hot days mean very hot chickens. I put out a bunch of frozen corn to treat the birds, but my cat Taz decided he wanted to eat the corn too!

So, I look outside to check on everyone and there is a line of Chicken, chicken, chicken, guinea, cat, chicken...

Then one of my other chickens flocked over and stole corn from the pile Taz was eating! Taz was startled and ran.

Meanwhile, the chickens migrated to the bowl of catfood. (I know they shouldn't eat it a lot, but a little isn't bad.)

I just found it funny. They ate the cat's food and Taz eats their corn... and bread... and watermelon... and feed...

Funny chickens, strange cat!
I have know a number of cats that like corn, mine and those of friends. I had 2 that liked to eat it right off the cob. Never known one to eat watermelon, though. That must have been a sight, with everyone lined up like that. I guess corn is the ultimate prey species.
I have know a number of cats that like corn, mine and those of friends. I had 2 that liked to eat it right off the cob. Never known one to eat watermelon, though. That must have been a sight, with everyone lined up like that. I guess corn is the ultimate prey species.
Ultimate Prey Species! Sounds like a good book! Or a bizarre competition!
My cat (apparently) also eats fruit.

I wasn't aware though, that cats enjoyed corn. It's interesting to learn that other cats do it too.

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