Shark snipers Wine dots NEW HATCHES and puppies 1/24/2011 update

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Eggs sell? What you talkin' about?
Only eggs I was able to sell locally were peafowl eggs & shipped peafowl/chicken eggs ages ago.. other than that eggs were simply given to friends/relatives for free or tossed back to chickens to eat...

Good thing I pretty much have chickens strictly as pet/playing around with genetics...

Helps pay for the feed, except I'm letting my son put in his college fund in exchange for chicken chores. He's 4 so he helps collect eggs and put chickens away at night. The dumb ones who can't figure out they need to go to the coop.
Every penny I get from my chickens goes right back into them-Brindle saw the pens we made for them-If I was going to make pens I wanted them to be the best We personally could create-It cost round 200$ per pen...Took me months to save for them:) But even my hatching eggs goes right back into their food bills-I spend around 75$+ weekly on food and lights and fresh bedding-plus all the supplies for their medicine cabinet-. So the 75-90 I get from my split lavs just covers expenses-its the only way Dh would let me have so many-I was told way back when If I could figure out a way to make enough $ off of them to support themselves I can have as many as I want-within reason. I sell around 4-6 doz eating eggs a week too-so right now-they are supposrting themselves- but....The heating lights arent plugged in yet:-( The electric bills last year far outweighed what I brought in:-( Another reason why I got rid of my NN-How the heck would I keep that sucker warm in 20-30 below weather??? Im trying to stay with very winter hearty breeds:)
Like Brahmas.

those brahmas are the SWEETEST birds I have ever owned-they can be a tad skittish when you first enter their pen but I can pick them right up and snuggle and smell them in all their glorious fresh pine smelling feathers!!! hahaha--should have seen them eating grilled cheese samiches and asparagus the other day!!!
So...I just had a total BLONDE moment. (I'm not blonde though)

Someone started a thread called, COUGAR IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, and I thought well that sounds inappropriate for this site, DUH, it was in the predator section, they were talking about an ACTUAL COUGAR and not a Hot Old Chick picking up younger guys.
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