Shaws call duck incubation thread (hatch a wonderful(worthless to Ralphie) dux thread)

I would've just felt horrible if they were drowned by the others in the night :rolleyes:
They have never been around other ducks other than her babies she's hatched, so they don't know how to act. They have lived their whole lives in a breeding pen style cage. I just want them to be able to enjoy more freedom :hmm
I would've just felt horrible if they were drowned by the others in the night :rolleyes:
They have never been around other ducks other than her babies she's hatched, so they don't know how to act. They have lived their whole lives in a breeding pen style cage. I just want them to be able to enjoy more freedom :hmm
Yer a great duck mom Shaw...:love
I was only teasing ya..:hugs
Now that you mention it. . my Angel wing girl from last spring was a food hog. Hum. Interesting. I remember as a duckling I would sometimes see her eat too fast and start to choke before getting a drink of water. She has always loved the water though. None of the rest of the ones I've hatched from the same parents so far have had it. .so if it's genetics it's got to just be something that pops up from time to time and not every time.
I do however have that gimpy duck that is from the same parents as her. I am still confused about that one. It neither quacks or rasps . . it has a sound I haven't heard from my others. It has had a curly tail feather since about 8 weeks old. . and one leg bigger than the other. No idea if that is due to an injury or if it was just born like that. It has gotten better to where it doesn't lose the use of that leg but it still walks funny and sometimes has a slight limp.

I've been meaning to ask about Gimpy. Is he still alone or did you put him back with the others?
Is the angel wing the Pastel in that first pic, beside the left side of the pool? Mine is a pastel too! :rolleyes:

View attachment 1492200 View attachment 1492201 everyone is alive and appears mellow today :wee
That's duck in the pond and Jane laying next to the red water jug. The extra bowl of water has helped cut down on the arguments. :)

I wouldn't leave the bandage on if I was going to be gone very long. I have one now also that is seriously badly bent out... totally flopped over. Phoebe's lone duckling. I can't leave a bandage on him because he has 24/7 access to bathing water. I am thinking I will just trim that wing and let it go.

I honestly don't believe its the type of food or genetics. I've hatched too many with no problems, and mine all eat the same food as each other, and this is the first one. I think it has more to do with the amount of food, rather than the type of food. This one of mine has always been more of a loner, and I find him at the feeder much more often than the others. Even after Malibu's hatch a couple weeks after this fella, he hung out with momma Phoebe and the older ducks, as much as they allowed, but they shoo'd him off a lot of times too, so he would go sit by himself while momma had her time with the older group. Malibu pretty much takes care of him along with her group now, and they have all integrated fairly well. But I still see this little guy eating a lot more than the others. He also doesn't get in the water much. Even when they sleep in the water, for a long time, he would sleep by himself in a small space between the pool and the fence. I believe its just an individual growth thing, until I see proof of something otherwise.
Now I'm going to complicate this theory a bit. My goose with AW is the shy one that hangs back, won't eat treats like peas, and at one point I considered that she might not live. Was never sick just a very light eater and slow grower. Her wings were perfect until I left town and they had very little outside the pen time. Which felt consistent with the protein theory, due to less grazing. But that fast? Seems unlikely that a nutritional profile change for 4 days could cause anything at all.
dont they sleep after dark?
Heck no. Ducks will party all night :lol:
They do sleep more at night when I lock them up in the house but right now I have mama and babies in the house so the rest are out in the run.

I've been meaning to ask about Gimpy. Is he still alone or did you put him back with the others?
Is the angel wing the Pastel in that first pic, beside the left side of the pool? Mine is a pastel too! :rolleyes:

He is alone in the bus pen beside the palace so he can at least see the others. I'm trying to find a home for him.
And ya. .that's her.
And actually the one wing that I had mostly corrected was coming back in wonkey. . But now that they are getting heavier she's able to fold it in better. So strange! But I'm glad.
Now I'm going to complicate this theory a bit. My goose with AW is the shy one that hangs back, won't eat treats like peas, and at one point I considered that she might not live. Was never sick just a very light eater and slow grower. Her wings were perfect until I left town and they had very little outside the pen time. Which felt consistent with the protein theory, due to less grazing. But that fast? Seems unlikely that a nutritional profile change for 4 days could cause anything at all.

Well, shoots my theory back to it happens purely by chance. :gig

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