Shaws call duck incubation thread (hatch a wonderful(worthless to Ralphie) dux thread)

View attachment 1506433 @kwhites634
Come see the ducks you helped me name. Daisy on the left Daphne on the right.
Daphne is becoming my favorite. She is super curious and hangs out with me whenever I'm out there. She's always studying everything I do. . sometimes too much I have to be careful not to step on her :lau
Very nice, in a duckie kind of way. They as laid back as they look like they might be?
Pretty much. They are happy little things that's for sure! Daphne likes to hear herself talk. . she is my loud mouth duck :)
I have a BO cockerel like that. Just learning to crow. I wish he'd get it right soon & quit practicing so much; that "just learning" crow of his grates on my nerves. He's not so laid back, though; gotta watch him.
proof of intelligence in Dux

Nuff said
They really are intelligent creatures.
Until you need them to be for your own safety. .
I was out in this storm trying to get the Cayugas in their barn before the hail hit. Boys went right in like perfect gentlemen. Girls. . heck no. They knew it wasn't normal bedtime. Brats.

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