She’s been sitting 5 weeks. Now what?


In the Brooder
Jan 13, 2019
I have a hen that’s been sitting for 5 weeks on the same eggs. She’s so upset, feathers ruffled, when she comes out to eat. What do I do? How long will she go on? We have never had eggs hatch before, or not hatch.
Oh my....the eggs haven't exploded on her yet?

Take the eggs away and try to break her.
Do you have a cage you can put her in for a few days?
Chickens/Poultry...21 days is the gestation period after the hen begins"sitting" on the nest. A good mother hen wont leave the nest-- unless FORCED to. If NO male.. NO baby chicks-allowing her to nest is pointless. The Infertile eggs ,incubated for 5 weeks, ARE lil bombs-- be careful.. The hen will get over the failed attempt . I Suggest either gather eggs (daily ) to prevent wasting time on an infertile nest--its less stress on the hen. Or allow her to hatch babies.*** Or perhaps trick her into believing she hatched 1 chick (a chick from wherever/however ) placing it underneath her while still sitting on the nest. Although this takes a HIGH level of skill/risk on ur part to pull off successfully.
Why not get some day old chicks and foster them to her ? A hen that has been setting that long should readily adopt chicks. Just place them under her in the evening.
Why not get some day old chicks and foster them to her ? A hen that has been setting that long should readily adopt chicks. Just place them under her in the evening.
Totally agree. Buy some day-old chicks (any type that you like, and color doesn't matter) and about an hour after bedtime, take the eggs away and slide chicks under her. If you can do this with nothing more than a flashlight, that much the better :jumpy In the morning, you should have one very proud momma hen.
You think so but not necessarily. You have to get them hatching right out of the shell. The mother hen & the hatching chicks begin talking to one another before completely hatching. The point being the chicks first sounds to the hen and the hens first sounds to the chick familiarize with one another. A foster chick may not respond to the hen, vice versa. Knowing it's NOT hers.
Totally agree. Buy some day-old chicks (any type that you like, and color doesn't matter) and about an hour after bedtime, take the eggs away and slide chicks under her. If you can do this with nothing more than a flashlight, that much the better :jumpy In the morning, you should have one very proud momma hen.
Still very risky the Foster mother may not accept the Foster chicks. It's possible just risky

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