She broke an egg


11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
Dinky Springs, la

My white leghorn has been sitting on eggs for a couple of weeks. Actually from the first day I gave them to her it's been 23 days, but she wasn't sitting on them at night at first.

I left them in a laying box until 2 nights ago. I figured if she was getting close to hatching, I wanted her in a safer place. And I was afraid the other hens would break the eggs or kill the babies.

So we put her in a cage that we use as a brooder, so she would be alone and the peepers wouldn't get hurt. Well, lets face it, she HATES the cage. She complained for 30 min or so when we first put her in it, then she finally settled down and sat. Yesterday I went to give her a treat , and she flipped the box over. We couldn't put a wooden box in it because the opening is too small, so I made a small enough, yet big enough for her, cardboard box.

Today when I went to refill her water she got upset again, jumped around, jumped into the box and cracked one of the eggs. Really she demolished it, BIG, GIANT, GAPING hole. And it had a baby chick in it, it was perfectly formed as far as I can see, but way too early to even consider making it.

I'm sick
because it's my fault. But I had to feed her and give her water........poor little baby
. When we candled the other night before the move, we had 2 that definitely were doing well, and one that was questionable. So I guess I hope the one that was iffy is the one that was broken

Oh, and I don't have an incubator, that's why I allowed this drama to happen.
Yeah, it's just a box sitting in the enclosure, it's about 4 inches high. She seems to be TRYING to chill out a little.........
I'm just sick with worry about my last 2 eggs. i so want to see one of my OWN babies, ya know?

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