She got her comb stuck in the hardware cloth.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 24, 2011
A hot air balloon passed our house about a week ago and it scared my chickens and one of them got its comb stuck in the hardware cloth during all the chaos. We didnt realise it until my sister picked it up and saw that it was bleeding. We cleaned it up and kept it by itself until bed time (so that it wouldnt get picked on) Could this have any long term effects in the future?? Shes okay now but I didnt know if it could get her sick or cause something to go wrong.

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No long term effects except she may lose a part of the comb. If it won't stop bleeding, try styptic powder. If it has stopped, can put a dab of triple antibiotic on the cut. If the other birds peck at it, she can be separated to allow it to heal.

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