She is a he

He's just a baby....not even sexually mature yet....only 10-11 weeks old now? You won't really know his true nature until he's year or so old. Ears and earlobes: Pullet 23 weeks Cockerel 17 weeks
Yes he is 9 weeks. I am having wishful thinking I guess. What would be your guess for overall percentages of nice tempered Roos vs. Rude aggressive Roos? Ok I never heard about chickens or birds having ear lobes! Very convenient if I buy him some earrings. Imma gonna have to see some lobes on my chicks tomorrow. I am excited to see how easy, or hard, it is to see the lobes.. Aart, you know I sm being a smart#&% right? I so appreciate ya'alls ongoing advise. I know it gets hard to be hammered with questions every day Which is why I will sit on any afditinal questiond.
Quote: I wouldn't even venture a guess on nice vs. rude...too many variables, from line of birds to keepers demeanor/management.

Confusion between the ear and the earlobe is a common chicken anatomy error...I'm a bit of an anatomy nerd.
Not really sure tho, at what age they appear.

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