She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Lol, grits too..and biscuits and gravy
Oh man, I love biscuits and gravy!! And yes, that's very true, even if it's a family of 4 there's food enough to feed an army on the dinner table in the south. Good, fattening food too.

Oh yes, I can find Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast at many a restaurant. Love them. :)
Grits! I lived in FL, NC., and VA.   I loved Grits with eggs and bacon in it.  I try and make it here, no one likes it.  Oh well, the more for me.  It's been a while, now look, I have to make some bacon, but plenty of eggs!
Something I really miss here are the Hush Puppies.  I know not much to them, but I loved those things.  There is one restaurant that sells them, so I go there once in a great while to get my fix. 
oh, I love hush puppies too
Yep, sc NEEDS that shirt... :D :smack you only earned one... Yes, he does... actually did you notice he used punctuation AND capitol letters in his post? :gig I know which one you are... Yep, needs that shirt... Meeting BYC was like a reunion with an old friend... seriously... and he should be a fave for sure... much respectfor him... No, sc is the 3 year old, so we all outrank him no matter what... :lau Wings and whole hog... soooo there!!! :drool That was exactly my first reaction... d@**ed egg caressing French frog... :gig Take a seat, sc... you need to talk out all those feelings of aggression... it won't hurt... much... :lau I'm one of the newer ones, but I agree... :) First offense... this won't hurt too much... :smack He???? Really?? Just had flashback to BYC's first impression of me, lol... You should know by now to make sure you're actually right before you say anything like that... of course we remember... and we hug our grudges tighter than our loved ones... :D Great idea!! Do you know how to spell George? T-R-O-U-B-L-E Oh, never mind... you found a pet for your brother... how sweet and supportive of you! :) On that you are correct... neither you nor I did... just everyone else! :gig Had more to comment on, but that was way too much... Just an FYI, if I say I have to take my FIL to anything it's gonna be a whole day deal... gotta have the obligatory in law visit, etc... Will be back in a min to post the update everyone is demanding... :)
Nice multiquote!!
I feel left out. I never got smacked. :hit
It will happen soon I saw when I kept reading.
Epic multi quote! :clap
You stole my line!!! Lol!!
Ok, update on the Araucana eggs... 3 made it to lockdown, 1 is DIS... I have lost many shipped Araucanas after pipping due to malposition and whatnot ending in suffocation so I assisted the pipped egg... only opened the shell and outer membrane, made sure beak was clear and far enough out for air and lubed the membrane... Couldn't tell if other egg was internally pipped or not, so I took a chance and opened it up too... dang good thing I did as it had pipped but moved and beak slid back in and was suffocating... opened enough of membrane to clear beak, lubed membrane and replaced in bator... This is as far as I go with assisting... if they are strong enough they break out of the membrane on their own, and 95% do... if it doesn't then I really feel it just wasn't strong enough and wasn't meant to be... So... I came home to this...
Sorry for you loss....good save....a dn super cute chicks!!!
Ok, here's another one for you. My week is done. I'm going home to pet my squirrel. You gals enjoy your GNO :frow
I made a C joke and you replied with "took it out of my mouth"? :frow
Even my FB friends are looking out for my chickens :). Aren't these cool though?
Mine do that to me all the time!!! Lol!!!
It is always nice to find out over and over again, just how great BYC folks are. Last Easter Hatch A Long, I had some eggs sent to me that I had won during the New Years Day Hatch A Long, but had decided to get the eggs for the Easter one. Well, the eggs were late, there was a cracked egg, and an egg that was weeping..already! He offered me more eggs, he felt so bad about the hatch. I told him no..that it was the shippings fault. He even offered chicks. Yesterday, I get an e-mail wondering how the two that did hatch were doing. I had two boys..can't keep those for long, so they are gone. Again, he offers me more eggs, or chicks. This time, I took him up on his offer. I can tell this makes him happy. He is telling me most will be pullets. And, that they will be black, blue, or splash Marans, that is what he sent before. This guy wins shows with his birds..and his eggs. Should see the color of those eggs! What a gentleman he is. Did not have to do this. Have to say, I'm pretty excited for these babies to hatch. He said they will be hatching in about 2 and a half weeks. Works great, as I have some babies due in about 3 weeks. Love BYC people. Even the crazy ones. :D
What a nice story. I'm jealous. I need someone to give me some maran chicks!!! Lol!! $
What a great story! How exciting - are you getting eggs or chicks?
:smack. Sorry you deserved that one.
Just FYI, I don't know if anyone saw my post earlier but I got a coupon for $3 off 2 bags of Purina feed. If anyone wants me to stick it in the mail just pm me. I love coupons but they don't sell that brand by me.
I use Purina brand. ...if Amy does not want it I will take it!!
Adorable! Looks like you have a boy there..three rows of a pea comb. Most of the time, means boy. Like the Ameraucana..I know someone will let me know if this is wrong. :0
I need to put it in a nice power box when I'm done with this incubation, but man this thermostat works awesome. Thank you for the diagram Walnut.


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