She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Mine are a little farther behind schedule than they should be, I'm hoping they'll catch up by tomorrow though. My dumb dog almost knocked the whole table and bator and everything over earlier, I almost had a heart attack. I heard the bator move and I went and looked, he was under the table that the bator is sitting on, which is in a closet, he was under the table trying to smell under the door because my daughters rabbit was on the other side it, and apparently he tried to stand up while he was under the table and almost flipped it over. The eggs had rolled together but thankfully none broke. Omg, I could've killed him. He looked at me and knew he was in trouble, he crouched and skulked out of the closet and laid down and gave me the "I'm so sorry mommy" face
First hatches can be a bit nerve-wracking, can't they? We have a toddler, so I know how you feel.
I hope you ave a few fluffy balls waiting for you when you wake up in the morning!

don't know can't pry myself away to go check. something poked a hole in two of my eggs though .better go look I'm falling asleep on the key board again
You're probably in bed by now, but I did fall asleep on the keyboard tonight! Some crazy Friday, huh? lol But Saturday morning will be completely nuts.

The have some LOs but they aren't as pretty as WV's lol
That's a gross understatement!

good score... I forgot to PM Ruby, lol...

My Araucana babies...

Poked holes in your eggs? You didn't take that hen pecked egg home, did you?
I'm absolutely thrilled that they made it!

you didn't show me those eggs last night . where are the little face wings . nice chicks nope holes from the inside out
two EEs pips and one GLW something or other find out tomorrow between tractor rounds .
Woo-hoo! Come on, babies!

I'm only asking because I'm thinking about taking Frick & Frack to the swap tomorrow and was going to guess what they might be.  I'll be honest and just say I don't know - and sell them together cheap.  I only picked them up to keep Solo company, and now she's gone I don't really need them - since I won't breed from them.  Maybe someone else can use them

Still feel bad for what happened to Solo... :(

Yep, just say a straight run EE pair... no need to feed mouths you aren't keeping... :)
You nailed it... that's what that flag represents... lives... and standing up for your beliefs no matter the cost...

That's why I stay neutral, because I also know others that see it as a symbol of hate groups, racism and oppression. They feel that deeply because of real events and from pain suffered through generations.

It's a complex issue and I hope that there can be understanding and compassion on both sides.
That's why I stay neutral, because I also know others that see it as a symbol of hate groups, racism and oppression.  They feel that deeply because of real events and from pain suffered through generations.

It's a complex issue and I hope that there can be understanding and compassion on both sides.

:thumbsup (can't Ovate again!)
Thanks.  That one really hurt.

DH keeps planning vacations, too  - so it will be better for them to go to a new home instead of a crash integration with the big flock.


I agree... give them a new home and go enjoy a vacay...

Day 21 is on Wednesday. I will candle at lockdown. Not sure until then.

Hope you have a great hatch! :)

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