She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

First if all I have NEVER critized the friendly Game of Colored hatching, I have simply NEVER heard of it before, didn't even know it existed...So it was interesting and yet exciting to learn it. so How can you possible say I was Critizing something I have never even knew was in PLACE???

Second on hatching, I have given my input as to what has NOT worked for me and what has worked for me. was I not allowed to give my input on how hatching was working for me??

I don't recall ever telling YOU how to turn your eggs, and if i Did my apoligize, it was NOT ment to down grade or insult you. There's a lot of NEW hatchers and unless it's stated they are new at this, One doesn't know, so giving some advice to the New Comers or first time hatchers Only makes sense.
Somehow I missed this post! You have any out yet?

Yes, 9 are out and a few more pips. I gave my broody hen 3 that were on day 14. She has 2 out and 1 zipping!

I know about candles I am looking for advice for increasing my success rate t e with shipped I will read that will it help with muscovy ducks I know the a bit different to hatch than chickens

The first thing then is when you very carefully unpack them is to candle them and see how damaged the air cells are. Once you assess the damage you can come up with a game plan. I let my shipped eggs rest 12-24 hours, fat end up in an egg carton before setting them. Then I set them vertically in cut down cartons in the incubator. I don't turn them the first 24 hours. Then depending on the amount of damage you can determine when to start tilting them. I tilt mine at a 45 degree angle from one side of the carton to the other 5 x day. Once the air cells are solid you can lay them down if you prefer.

I have advanced development in 2 of the silkie eggs so far as of 57 hours in. I can't see  much on the rest of them. My Spitzhaubens are right on schedule and you can see the very first stages of develoment on them-or most of them. I can't see a single thing in the greens. Too dark and thick shelled.

Awesome! So exciting!
Thank you. I've never had a detached develop but I went with ravyn's advice to not let them sit to long with out tilting. I'm really hoping they will reattach around day 12, when the chorioallatonic membrane takes over.
Get some one to hold the cat in a way that it can't move, then get someone else to grab a chook and hold it against the cat for a bit. Do that for a few days and the cat will stay clear of the chooks.
Yes., and yes, only thing the same across the problems is the water comes from the same area.
Is the water bad??
Thank you. I've never had a detached develop but I went with ravyn's advice to not let them sit to long with out tilting. I'm really hoping they will reattach around day 12, when the chorioallatonic membrane takes over.
THAT IS GREAT NEWS, I will have to most definitely try it. WOW, I'm sooo impressed, THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE. perhaps now I can have some deattached to hatched and not stress any more or try to come up with a possiblity. need to thank Ravyn's as well..
First if all I have NEVER critized the friendly Game of Colored hatching, I have simply NEVER heard of it before, didn't even know it existed...So it was interesting and yet exciting to learn it. so How can you possible say I was Critizing something I have never even knew was in PLACE???

Second on hatching, I have given my input as to what has NOT worked for me and what has worked for me. was I not allowed to give my input on how hatching was working for me??

I don't recall ever telling YOU how to turn your eggs, and if i Did my apoligize, it was NOT ment to down grade or insult you. There's a lot of NEW hatchers and unless it's stated they are new at this, One doesn't know, so giving some advice to the New Comers or first time hatchers Only makes sense.
First, You were saying how silly it was and why you didn't understand why we had to label our hatching groups.

I already said, your input and sharing your experiences was more than welcome.

and last Hands on hatching thread page 73, post 782.

Don't get me wrong, I love having people share what works for them and what hasn't, it's the reason for the two threads, I think people need choices so that if they try something that doesn't work then they have other options that have worked for other people, I just don't like to constantly be told that my way is wrong. I accept other's do it different, successfully- but I want to have the same acceptance.
Thank you. I've never had a detached develop but I went with ravyn's advice to not let them sit to long with out tilting. I'm really hoping they will reattach around day 12, when the chorioallatonic membrane takes over.
Thank you for sharing, I have talked to several people that say they were able to hatch deattachable and when I asked ,OK how did you do it. they would quit responding. LOL Almost like it was a government secret. So I'm thankful you shared this information. I'm SOOO excited now, I want to shake an egg just to try it.. LOL

Of course I won't but IT"S TEMPTING..
First, You were saying how silly it was and why you didn't understand why we had to label our hatching groups.

I already said, your input and sharing your experiences was more than welcome.

and last Hands on hatching thread page 73, post 782.

Don't get me wrong, I love having people share what works for them and what hasn't, it's the reason for the two threads, I think people need choices so that if they try something that doesn't work then they have other options that have worked for other people, I just don't like to constantly be told that my way is wrong. I accept other's do it different, successfully- but I want to have the same acceptance.
Yes, it is silly to know that an egg is being color coded, again I have never heard of such, I know in hospitals they have things like Code red etc. but to hear it for the first time for an egg. Does sound silly...

I went to the hands on hatching page 73 and all that was talked about was hand turning them?? an the time? and again, I was talking as if you were a New hatcher, Have NO CLUE, you have been in this rodeo. Once again, I was giving input on there should be at least 4 hours in between Not a lot of people know this... it wasn't until you responded (not my first incubating) Tell me how would I Possibly know if your a new hatcher or a more experience one without that little quote???? AGAIN, I wasn't trying to insult you, just giving some advice..

and there is not post 782 on page 73 Post 782 wasn't even a message from me.

I have Never NOT ONE SINGLE TIME, critizied ANYONE to say "your way is wrong because of this or that". NEVER ONCE would I even say that, I will give input to try this way or that way to see if your hatching improves. BUT I would never tell anyone how to hatch. I have referred them to my website for some tips, and a lot of people have gone there and used one of my methods and have been very successful after having a failed hatching but I would only refer them IF, they ask me for help....

Seriously, I have never told you "your not going to be successful if you keep doing the high humidity". HAVE I? no, I don't think so, I simply gave my input of what happened to my hatching when I tried the high humidity... it's helpful to those that have had a failed hatching. Perhaps they too have tried a high humidity and ended up with a failed hatching, so giving them another Option doesn't seem like a bad idea..
Yes, it is silly to know that an egg is being color coded, again I have never heard of such, I know in hospitals they have things like Code red etc. but to hear it for the first time for an egg. Does sound silly...

I went to the hands on hatching page 73 and all that was talked about was hand turning them?? an the time? and again, I was talking as if you were a New hatcher, Have NO CLUE, you have been in this rodeo. Once again, I was giving input on there should be at least 4 hours in between Not a lot of people know this... it wasn't until you responded (not my first incubating) Tell me how would I Possibly know if your a new hatcher or a more experience one without that little quote???? AGAIN, I wasn't trying to insult you, just giving some advice..

and there is not post 782 on page 73 Post 782 wasn't even a message from me.

I have Never NOT ONE SINGLE TIME, critizied ANYONE to say "your way is wrong because of this or that". NEVER ONCE would I even say that, I will give input to try this way or that way to see if your hatching improves. BUT I would never tell anyone how to hatch. I have referred them to my website for some tips, and a lot of people have gone there and used one of my methods and have been very successful after having a failed hatching but I would only refer them IF, they ask me for help....

Seriously, I have never told you "your not going to be successful if you keep doing the high humidity". HAVE I? no, I don't think so, I simply gave my input of what happened to my hatching when I tried the high humidity... it's helpful to those that have had a failed hatching. Perhaps they too have tried a high humidity and ended up with a failed hatching, so giving them another Option doesn't seem like a bad idea..
My bad, 724

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