She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

This is a screen shot from my phone.

I would be happy to have some more too. Keep me posted. My legbar boy was really depressed so I gave him 3 point of lay pullets to keep him happy. He needs to learn some manners though. He is gorgeous and I love him. I have a few nesting boxes in the Ameraucana pen and the other girls are laying in them. So I figured I will let her hatch what ever she has under her. I have been so busy lately it's hard to keep up with you all. I try to have a quick read through at bed time.

I can't keep up either, lol... not anymore... too much going on and all... but at night I'm sitting with Spice, so reading I can do then, lol...

I will keep you posted... setting more of them now, gonna crack a set in next day or 2 also just to see... I love my Legbar roo, but can't seem to match him with a son... :/

This is a screen shot from my phone.



Soooooo... how many hatching eggs would it take to get Jay to make me one??? :D ;)
Love the Web cam set up! I'm jealous..

Well I ended up getting one chick out of the 14 shipped bcm eggs. The chick that had the issue of the protruding naval ended up being a cull. Poor thing got diareah and got super weak..
On the Brite side, everyone else is doing great! I have leghorn chicks I bought from tsc (always wanted a few White egg layers) my 2 BCM's and some OE hopefuls. I'm keeping these 2 EE/BCM crosses - they're so cute!

3 weeks is my max for chicks inside. And I'm talking small batches of a dozen or less. I use paper towels the first few days and shallow dishes for food and water. Then switch to bedding and regular chick feeders and waterers. I go down pretty fast with my heat and have them off by 4-5 weeks old. At about 2 weeks I start turning the heat off during the day and only on at night. You just have to experiment and find what works good for you.
That is the most beautiful picture!! I love it!!
Yes, I will agree with that. I'm on my second broody and I think it's hard. I guess because my first was not a good mama. I just worry if my second will get them eating and drinking? They are in the coop. Should I put a small feeder and waterer near the nest? Can the chicks get over the lip? It's nerve wrecking!
My first broody, my Jap banty was awesome. So I had an idea of what a mommy should do, my second, my spitz, not so great with the newbies, but she was an excellent Auntie to the Jap's chicks and would even sit on the banty trying to help her cover her It was cute. My banty didn't mind, so I left them alone. (I had taken her baby inside to raise.)

This is a screen shot from my phone.


Love the Web cam set up! I'm jealous..

Well I ended up getting one chick out of the 14 shipped bcm eggs. The chick that had the issue of the protruding naval ended up being a cull. Poor thing got diareah and got super weak..
On the Brite side, everyone else is doing great! I have leghorn chicks I bought from tsc (always wanted a few White egg layers) my 2 BCM's and some OE hopefuls. I'm keeping these 2 EE/BCM crosses - they're so cute!

Cute. Sorry about the other. I had a nn that had diarrhea so bad from hatch it was burning the down off it's butt. I tried everything, but nothing helped. Culling was probably the best thing.
I can't keep up either, lol... not anymore... too much going on and all... but at night I'm sitting with Spice, so reading I can do then, lol...

I will keep you posted... setting more of them now, gonna crack a set in next day or 2 also just to see... I love my Legbar roo, but can't seem to match him with a son... :/

Soooooo... how many hatching eggs would it take to get Jay to make me one??? :D ;)

LOL. He is thinking of building modular units that are stackable. Had to do a bunch of tweaking to get it right. Ithe will be a miracle to get a hatch this go round.
Love the Web cam set up! I'm jealous..

Well I ended up getting one chick out of the 14 shipped bcm eggs. The chick that had the issue of the protruding naval ended up being a cull. Poor thing got diareah and got super weak..
On the Brite side, everyone else is doing great! I have leghorn chicks I bought from tsc (always wanted a few White egg layers) my 2 BCM's and some OE hopefuls. I'm keeping these 2 EE/BCM crosses - they're so cute!


That is sad. I had a protruding one on the lat hatch sprayed with blue Kote managed to get it every where as usual. It is doing well and it has receded. It was out about 1/2 an inch.
I really found it is best to treat them like local eggs ASAP if possible... I feel at a certain point, damage within the egg is irreversible so no matter how hard you try with some they just won't make it... due to duck eggs doing best laying down, and especially Calls, I found I had better success with shipped getting them horizontal quicker and I don't go past 24hrs of upright w/out tilting... any longer and they stick to one side of the shell... in my experience, at least... :)

I think i recall something similar to this, Ruby... that could have come out of the Paints... depending on the blacks used to breed into the paints... some blacks have been known to pop up with partridge occasionally... I think that *might have* happened... :confused:

Two things...
First, 2 of the duck eggs have air cells that have reattached, very saddled but they are pretty firm. Do you think I should lay those down? I'm worried that the bigger one is not getting tilted enough but I'm also scared to lay them down. The third one still has an air cell that floats but it's a smaller egg, so should I keep tilting that one in the carton?
And second, I thought partridge when I saw that chick too (and I do get some of them) but it does not have all the colors. Only white and then the black. I'm keeping it because I'm to curious to see how it grows out! Lol.

This is a screen shot from my phone.


This is so very cool!!

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