Shed to Coop Advice

What about a pixi glass wall? Wouldn’t a solid wall be suffocating ? Darn darn darn!!! There must be a way around it. I guess the facts are facts… especially when it comes to💩 ….. I didn’t think about that…. But that’s why I mentioned the washer and dryer… I had a feeling someone would crush my dream with honesty … lol jk. I appreciate honesty. Even if I’m not bothered by microscopic poop… it will be a fact to consider because of general health purposes for us humans… I don’t want to increase my risk of getting salmonella or getting microscopic 💩 on my clothes. 😞
Plexiglass would also work and look nice.

Yeah, unfortunately fine dust like that isn't so good to be breathing. Keeping the coop super clean and well ventilated really helps keep in down too though. And I see you're in Miami, so you'll probably not have to close up the coop for the winter, which is really good as that's when the dust builds up the most.
I cannot imagine doing laundry anywhere near a chicken coop!
In your climate ventilation is going to be a huge concern,
and it looks like there is no ventilation in that building.
Pinterest is almost always very pretty, but frequently lacks much if any practicality.

Anyway, I turned part of a shed into a coop, the dust is insane.
Anything solid would do the trick. Some dust will always escape, but a solid barrier would drastically cut it back. If your not worried with how it looks, the hardware cloth/chicken wire on the coop side of the wall and plastic film or a tarp on the laundry room side would be cheap and easy. If you want it to look nicer, maybe plywood would be better.
In your climate you're going to need MASSIVE ventilation to the outdoors -- even an entire wall of siding taken off and replaced by wire wouldn't be too much.

This is my new coop in North Carolina:

And the Texas coop that inspired it:
Yes… it is a hot place here… but it’s perfect right now. Cool coop!
Anything solid would do the trick. Some dust will always escape, but a solid barrier would drastically cut it back. If your not worried with how it looks, the hardware cloth/chicken wire on the coop side of the wall and plastic film or a tarp on the laundry room side would be cheap and easy. If you want it to look nicer, maybe plywood would be better.
Hello Folks,

I have a shed house and I want to convert half of it into a coop. Half of the shed will be partitioned off. The partition will have a door and it would all be hardware wire. Can someone point me over to a link or any plans or resources to help me figure this out? Maybe a DIY link or instructions. I am using Pinterest and have found so many lovely ideas. However no luck with videos or instructions on how to build a partition inside a shed with a coop. All I seem to find is how to convert an entire shed into a coop. I still have lots of cleaning out to do obviously as I keep some tools in the shed etc. Also, I have a washer and dryer on one side. My chicken never had problems with it. But thought I would add that for some insight. Below I have posted several pictures of ideas from Pinterest then my actual shed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The coop focus on home page is a split shed by @aart.
People are telling you that a solid wall will cut down on dust. But you will need not only a solid wall, but you will need to completely seal any openings, holes or cracks where that wall connects to the ceiling, floor and side walls. Chicken dust is insidious and will very quickly coat all the surfaces in your laundry room with a thick layer. Even if you dust frequently, it will get in places that you can’t reach. I strongly suspect this plan will be disappointing for what you want. Perhaps I am overly pessimistic though. Maybe you would be able to seal it well enough.

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