Shhh- Top Secret!

So, about my interesting day- the grand total- 6 chicks! (And one more possibility- one chick's currently in the incubator still peeping out of it's hole in the shell)

My wonderful parents came to rescue me from campus, and my dad spent some time fixing my car so I could drive home- I'm slightly over two hours away, so it was generous of them to help me out! It also worked out really well for the incubator- my mother had a car adapter that allowed me to plug the incubator in for the ride home. I removed the first three chicks- probably a bad move, but I misted the inside at the same time to keep the humidity up. There were still a few pipped eggs, and I was afraid I'd hurt their hatch rates. They sat on my lap for the ride home.

Here a pic of my first three babies!

And here's my car-bator set up- that styrofoam cooler came in handy once again!

On the ride home- three more hatched in two hours, for a total of six chicks!

Here's the three that hatched in the car! There is one more egg that might make it out- I had to pick out a larger hole for it, and I wrapped it in a damp paper towel, so we'll see if this one can make it out too. But its been an interesting day, and I'm glad to have gotten my chicks and myself home as well!

I think I have two darker (Black Ameraucanas?), two grayish (Blue?), and two lighter (Splash?) chicks- I'm soo happy the hatch worked out!
That is excellent! How many eggs did you have stuffed in the mini? My eggs are chirping this morning!! I was trying to find Beekissed's video where she is fooling her eggs by puck puck pucking and they just go crazy chirping. It is too funny! I wanted to play that as my puck puck is a bit high pitched for they to believe.
Oh, I'm so glad your chicks are responding back to you- They are coming soon, and can't wait to meet their mommy. (Post pictures!) It'll be like popcorn- one egg hatches, then another, then all of them hatch!
and Ariel- hold on tight! Hatch day is coming soon for you as well!

My last straggler chick made it out at last- I helped by chipping away some of the shell and wrapping it in a damp paper towel again- then not half an hour later, she kicked her way out all by her self!

I need some name ideas- Disney princesses? Different names for 'blue'? German names? I need something else besides 'that black one- no, the other black one!', 'the first one', 'the one that walks funny', or 'the big fluffy one'.
I have one that has semi-pipped (there is a split in the shell now) and it is pushing at it and chirping really loudly. A couple of others are answering but haven't come through the shell yet. They are actually pretty loud given they are in their shells still I can hear them in the next room. They may be able to hear the wild birds outside too. We are fortunate that we do have a lot of native birds of all sorts as we are close to State Parks. I have the brooder light on and am getting it warmed up to the mid 80's currently. Still waiting for the first one to make their appearance.
Pipping in progress:

One BLRW is out and another has pipped. The first one is LOUD! It is trying out is legs and sprawling over the other eggs. There are a couple others which haven't pipped yet which are answering,
The first hatched chick is having a complete and very vocal meltdown that there aren't any other chicks out yet. I am wondering how any other chicks manage to pip let alone zip with a hatched and very clumsy chick plowing through and tossing eggs all over the place. It's an egg yardsale in there they are all over the place!

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