Shipped eggs with aircells on side.


Feb 25, 2018
Morrow, Ohio
I bought a dozen opal legbar splits hatching eggs shipped for new Jersey to Ohio. And I dint know about detached air cells. I left them air sack up on the counter 24 hours. Then I put all the eggs 19 in total in the incubator in the turning tray, she was kind and shipped extra. And candled on day 8. Eight eggs are no good. Detaches air cells, the air cell goes all over the egg. I've got 11 eggs left in the incubator. 1 has sadle bag air cell and a few have air cells that are on the side of the egg, its attach there and dosnt move when I move the egg. Will they be ok? Is there something i should do different for the eggs with the air cells on the side? They are on day 8

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