Shipping ducks


9 Years
May 10, 2010
How do I ship ducks? What do you put in with them for "treats" and moisture? I have had a number of chickens shipped in, but only ducklings. I am looking to have 2 full-size ducks shipping in and the gal that will be doing the shipping needs instructions as to what to do.

Thank you,
Central Ohio to Central PA, also what size box should I get? They are 10 month old cayugas.

Thank you

Good question. I know the only reason that hatchlings can be shipped the first day is because they are running on the 72hr worth of the yolk "to go" when they hatch out....thats the window of opportunity to stick a stamp on 'em and send them on their way. Big ducks...? I can see water being an issue for sure. It don;t sound like a UPS kinda deal for sure. If they have any food they MUST have enough water to dunk...
Sounds more like a taxi would be the answer.
You dont need water or feed. Actually it's against regulations to put feed and water in with them I believe. I always put some shredded lettuce in with them anyway though.
She will need to order some USPS approved shipping containers if she hasn't already
far as moisture goes, sometype of bedding needs to be put in the bottom of the shipper to collect waste and excess moisture. I have been told cucumber is a good water source when shipping.
Okay, so I need to think of some duck friendly high moisture foods that she can throw in the box. With chickens, it is usually apples or oranges, but ducks usually aren't big on those (not that the chickens were either, but it's an attempt). So lettuce, peas?

Pips, I think you have the box that I was looking at on bidbirdauction, I will probably have you ship them directly to her.

Thank you!
I heard canned corn is a good one.

Where would you go to ship the bird? Just the post office? Or somewhere extra special?

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