Shipping eggs arived but air cell damage , please help advise : (

I had a heater cook some fish about a year ago. It still haunts me. I can't imagine how awful of a way to go that was. These were fish we had for a few years, that I cared enough about to bring home to medicate.

Annoyingly, the chicks that were in there were already hatched. (Thankfully, the incubator held out long enough to get the eggs hatched, there were 40 shipped bantam eggs in there.) The chicks that were in there were a little weaker than the rest, so I had them in there to keep them extra warm for an extra day, as I had removed the others earlier than normal since there were so many. They are shockingly still alive. I am tube feeding them, but one can't even stand. I would feel guilty giving up on him though, he is the toughest little fighter I have ever seen, so I guess I will keep going until he either gets better or dies. I believe the heater wasn't working for at least 4 hours. They were not NEARLY as bad before they got so cold, and unfortunately I failed to notice the lack of heat until they had declined quite significantly. I'm still waiting to hear from Brinsea.

On a more cheery note, do you know anything about your eggs yet?
Awww , well I hope they pull through. Its amazing what a little heat and a full belly can do to most young birds. Good luck with your little ones.

I am really excited about my eggs now. I had to do candling for a load of pekin eggs of my own hens last night so thought I would gently candle the peafowl eggs. Its still a little early being as they were only set on Friday night but thought id give it ago. I didn't move them much and candled them blunt end up as the air sacks are still very loose but the great news is three of the five are definatly developing as there is a small red embryo with a small network of veins coming off and in the other two its to hard to tell. So I am full of hope.
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Hey Guys , two of my peafowl eggs are developing and have strong little chicks moving inside. The other one has quit and just has a small dark mass floating about inside and the other two must of been infertile as are clear.

Hopefully Soon I will be a proud peafowl parent : D

Thank you for all the advice guys


Good luck I hope they hatch well without any issue!
Hey Guys, Well its been awhile and I have very good news. I managed to hatch out one of the Peafowl eggs. Unfortunately none of the others made it, Even the second batch I actually collected from a breeder didn't get to lockdown and had died by the third week : (

But One did make it. Little Moglie actually Pipped the shell but this was on the 32nd day of incubation and I was worried due to him being late, After this it was 24 hours and he started chirping loudly so I opened up the air sack end a little to see he was more then ready to emerge. After being out he fluffed up and his feet and toes were fine too. I was worried they would be curled but he started walking around a few hours later and all has been fine. Here's a few pics of him : D

Just would be great to know if he is a boy or a girl lol, Im calling him a male for now,

Adam & Moglie
Hi Adam, I have 5 pea eggs in lockdown now. Congrats on your hatch! What happened when you opened the air cell? You saw he was ready and did you wait for him to hatch or zip around the egg for him? I'm trying to prepare for all possibilities so any info would be great! Thanks!
Hello RubyNala97 , the air sac was a brown colour and stained, usually its bright white and clean, When brown and off colour like this it usually means it is drying out which is a good sign to help a little. Also as I slowly removed the membrane and a little shell out the way I noticed the mucus membrane underneath the off colour membrane was totally none veined and a off brown colour too. There was not a single bit of blood present which meant all the veins had been absorbed before hand. Like I said though Peafowl are meant to take 28 days from what I have researched Moglie was in fact late and I am surprised but very glad he lived and hung in there. I wouldn't of helped had he not pipped first. I only helped after he pipped and it had been more then 24 hrs and he hadn't proceeded. He was making high pitched lost calls which meant he was distressed so I knew something wasn't right and helped then.

Hope that helps a little.


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