Shipping Guinea eggs


6 Years
Jul 8, 2013
Tuscaloosa, AL
I ordered guinea eggs online. They were shipped to me on their sides. Everyone was lying on its side wrapped in plastic packed in pine shavings. I have never had something packed this way. MY main concern is that the post office shook them a lot and detached the air cell. Since they were on their sides, some of the air cells settled on the side. I wrote to the guy and he said he always ships them theat way and he always receives them that way and that is how they are hatched under the mom. But of course the mom doesn't use the postal system to receive her eggs. Are guinea eggs different? I can't imagine they are. Am I wrong in telling him they should not have been on their sides? I have researched a lot but maybe I researched in the wrong place. I'd like some experienced peoples advice. I have them large end up, resting. I will put them in the incubator after 24 hours. I will keep them large end up. I won't rotate for the first 4 days and wait for the viens to form over the air cell. Then I will tilt the eggs instead of rolling, several times a day.
I ship my eggs straight up but that doesn't Garuantee that they won't have loose air sac's. I have recieved alot of eggs in the mail and I personally perfer them straight up but i have gotten eggs shipped that way and eggs were still damaged. Good luck with your hatch.
I know they can be damage any way they are shipped. I'm wanting to know if one way is better over another?

read the letter in my signature on shipping

good luck. guineas are just like any other egg. some will recover from the usps, others wont.

my first round i got 8/24 shipped guineas to hatch in humid conditions

on day 14 of my current hatch i have 56/74 developing. 2 separate vendors.

eggs i get shipped in saw dust or wood chips tend not to do as well. the packing needs to absorb shock as well as shield eggs.

good luck
I also put 6 in my storage shed. I want to see if they will hatch without turning or monitoring. Someone said their friend had a dozen they forgot about that hatched.

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