shooting Chickens

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To be honest it is no different than any other nuscence animal at this point. You said you've tried to deal with it other ways so my next suggestion would be to get a live trap from the humane society or a friend and start baiting them with any goodies you can, make a little trail into the trap and whenever you catch one offer it free on craigslist. Chickens are not the brightest animals alive and so no matter how many of their friends they see trapped they will still get trapped also. And it keeps both the chickens happy and you from having to fire a gun near where neighbors may be. And hey! After loosing a couple chickens each week maybe the idiot neighbor will realize they need to keep the chickens up. Good luck solving your issue and happy chicken trapping. Lol.
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

i would not suggest shooting the chickens. i would not suggest shooting a dog either or cat. animals that are pets should be given a chance and the owners to. now an animal thats mean and wild and causing trouble thats to me is different. my dog that i had for 11 years was going to the neighbors. he was a really good dog. i didnt know he was bothering them or even going to their house. our neighbor came to my house one day and was wondering about 2 pigs of his that gotten loose. i said i havent seen them, which i hadnt. . we did find one of the pigs in my yard by the edge of the woods and another part way down the road. we have coyotes around here alot. he had no proof that my dog even killed them pigs but by his own thinking just because they were close to my house that my dog did it. i think a coyote prob did it and my dog maybe drug them up this way. he did come back up here with a few more words . so in a few days i was leaving for church and heard a shot gun. i pretty much knew what had happened. he shot our family pet of 11 yrs. i understand if he was killing his livestock but he couldnt prove it. but he did say our dog was up there. he could have been. my point was he didnt have to kill him he could have used a bb gun or just fired in the air and come got us. after that. we adopted a dog from the pound and guess what he got shot too. that was unfair of our neighbor. we have a blue heeler that used to love fireworks chase them and everything. since that happened my husband cant even bring a gun outside with rascal almost having a breakdown. he shakes all over. now let me tell you what happen to him. everytime i see him i try to wave as big as i can. anyway we were sitting in our school room and noticed something out the window. well well guess what it was. it was good ole neighbors couple of pigs loose. we went in the kitchen got them something to eat and drink to try to keep them here til i could find the neighbor. left word for him about his pigs being here in my yard (which i had no prob with what so ever) he came to get them i said i fed and watered them so they would stay here and nothing would happen to them. i almost knmow he felt like a big heel after what he did to us. he started saying stuff like i am so sorry they are in your yard i said no prob here. then he started saying i think i am going bbQ theses pigs. the bible says do good for evil and thats what i tried to do. bible says it will heap hot coals on their heads. sorry for rambeling on. and my dog could have very well killed those pigs.i cant blame him if my dog was up there killing his animals. i just think he should have given us another chance. hope it all works out for you. i still vote dont kill them. they are sweet animals.

Awesome but sad story, like Bittersweet. Good values & morals you have!!
If you have let them and the police know, well you can probably guess what I'm thinking. I am the kind of person that takes the care of ANY of my animals seriously and those that don't drive me crazy.
Had that thought as well, but interesting and provocative it is with some good honest answers don't ya think?

With straight thinking abounding
Perhaps, but it's become quite interesting. Interesting range of morals and values being expressed.
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