Should I add geese to my flock?

Thank you all, you gave me the courage to get this pair of geese. I was afraid they'd be difficult to catch, but were actually easy to persuade into a corner & then calmly let themselves be picked up. They made it home after dark, and I've got them now enclosed in a covered 5' X 5' pen. They have a plastic shoebox full of Flock Raiser and another one of water.

Now what?

I was planning to set up a small wire enclosure by the door to that pen tomorrow morning, and put a washtub of water inside it. I'll let them get accustomed to their new home and their bird neighbors, and also to their new human family before allowing them to freely roam the yard.

Does that sound all right?

Please let me know how long you think I should keep them confined before letting them out to roam. Also, how can I best endear myself to them? What kinds of treats do geese like best?

These are impressive birds, I'm looking forward to the delights particular to geese, having already enjoyed my chickens, ducks & guineas.
I'm not sure about time to keep them penned because I raised mine from tiny and their lean-to was a brooder/fort for quite a while before I let them into their main enclosure. I would keep them in their night pen for the better part of a week. If you keep scratch at your place, dribble some into a feed dish (or some other noisy favorite) at least once a day in front of them so they associate the sound with the treat. After a while they'll come running just from the sound of the treat hitting the bowl. That's how I get mine in the pen every night. they have a straw bale housing inside the secured enclosure, but rarely use it. Still, it's there if they need it, and the enclosure keeps them safe from predators.

They free range all day, every day except for really nasty winter weather, and my chickens range with them for a few hours each day--they have half an acre or so, and everyone gets along fine, but I wouldn't suggest keeping the geese in the same run as the chickens unless it's really, really big. I agree with Miss Priss that it's best for them to have their own space at least the majority of the time, and some geese don't get along with chickens at all. My Muscovy ducks sleep in the chicken run at night after I lock the chickens into the coop because the geese pick on them. I don't like to mix them at night, and I don't usually leave the Muscovies in the chicken run when the girls are out. They get on OK, but everyone's happier when they aren't crowded in together.
If you have no other geese, and you don't
, then they will probably do just fine no matter when you decide to let them out. I have 4 embdens myself and they are definately the more aggressive of the three breeds I have.

Now if you had older geese in your yard, then I would be more cautious, almost all geese are like the playground bully for a while whenintroduced to a new flock member.

I mix my flock and they do just fine, although my experience has been that they do indeed enjoy living in flocks, given the choice. Mine all free range in a little over an acre and they are never alone. The ducks are in the same pasture, but they have their own ideas of what constitutes happiness and keep to themselves.

I really love the embdens - they are so pretty. I am going to get a nice pair from Holderreads next year I think - to add some better genetics to my guys.
Did you ask why they were given up? Mine were because they almost killed the previous owner's very nice roo. Mine have since killed one of my ducks when I wasn't home and almost another that my son-in-law saved while I was at work. I keep mine separately, they still try to keep the chicken's and ducks away from the chain link fence. I'd watch them closely for awhile, if any aggression toward the other and smaller birds, keep them penned off from the others. They'll need a good sized pen for their size. Great guarding instincts and Chatty Cathy's, too;)
Those are good points, I'll keep them in mind. These were given up because their owner was getting complaints from his neighbors when they'd stray and chew up their yards. He also had a pair of Chinese, I think they were the ones who strayed the most. He only had a few pullets at his place, and these geese weren't kept close to them. I got the impression that the previous owner just got tired of the amount of care they all required, tired of the troubles they gave him. He also kept losing chickens to predators & got discouraged about that.

These geese are still acting very calm here, kept in a wire pen by themselves. They do little more than glance at the other chickens & ducks in the yard. A couple of chicks wandered through their fence and crossed their enclosure with little reaction from the geese. No hissing or flapping or chasing. I got them to come eat grass out of my hand today.

They'll stand in their enclosure and flapflapflap their wings, but their feet stay on the ground. Is it possible for them to flap up & over the wire fence around them? It's 4 or 5 feet high, sorry, I can't recall. Would they need a bit of room to get a running start? My concern is that they'll flap over their fence and get themselves lost before they get accustomed to our place being home.

I really like my new goosey-gooses!
are they too fat to fly? most domestic geese i've heard of are, but that doesn't mean these couldn't fly i guess. did the guy you got them from say they flew over the fence?

all i would say is, and they don't sound like they may even do this, they sound super calm, but if they are aggressive to you, reach out and hold their beak firmly. put your hand around it and hold still. they will tug and tug trying to get free. you don't need to squeeze or hurt them in anyway. when they stop tugging and give up, let go. you may need to do it once in a while, or never again, depending on their personality. if you have kids, teach them to do it, too. if they chase strangers, though, well, you can let them do that. lol. a goose bite can really hurt and actually draw blood. don't let them get started chasing you or any family members. they need to know you are the a good provider, but you are the boss.

i love watching my geese on the water. one of my favoirte things. each time i see it, everyday, i feel like WOW i get to see this in my own yard. what a lucky girl i am.

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