Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Morning all. I was sadder than my kid was to see twidget go. I hope he is doing OK. I am sadder about that than I am about the ones I am going to process on Monday. I couldn't find anyone to take the ameracaunas and they are awfully small but hopefully they will lend flavor to some chicken stock. Then I just need to sell 3 red hens and I will be down to my flock of 6 and can relax.

Last night I had 10 on the roost which is the max that can fit up there. It was cute.
Woohoo. Well add another new layer cause my wee light Sussex layed her first egg. Now just the rir girls an the odd one lol

Congrats! I think I know what made them lay... you posted on this thread! It's kind of like what happens when you take a car to the mechanic because it's making some dreadful noise, and as soon as you get there, the noise stops.
Hey everyone. Sorry for being MIA....
The Salmon Faverolles are hatching.... NOT GOOD..... I set 45 eggs= 32 Sal.Favs, 2 ducks, 11 from my flock... I have 5 chicks and no ducks.... 3 of the chicks came from the Sal. Fav eggs, but one is grey instead of yellow, has clean, green legs, and no extra toes.... Texted the breeder and they said that they only have Sal. Favs, Guineas, BO, BA. I pulled it out of the incubator to send pictures to the breeder. Not sure what this little mutt is but its cute! Unfortunately, I paid $50 for the eggs and so these are really expensive chicks!!!!!
I will get more and better pics of everyone tomorrow after they have fluffed and I move them out of the incubator...

Sorry the hatch was so disappointing. The mystery chick is cute, but not sure how it could come from those breeds, unless maybe it is part guinea?! Feathersite has pictures of guinea hybrids. Very interesting.
Congrats WeeNicole!

we got 2" of rain overnight. so I got up early to make sure Big Broody was okay. I put one extra tarp up, but it ripped... she had a significant amount of water in her kennel. she was soaked, the eggs were damp, but very warm. don't know... changed out her bedding, and dried her off as best and as quickly as I could. she was back on her eggs in about 10 minutes. it was in the upper 30's - the eggs were still warm, but I am no longer holding out a lot of hope for the hatch. we'll have to wait and see. poor Mama.

I'm envious of your rain and beautiful flowers budding. Our lilacs bloomed 2 months ago and are already gone. The buckeyes are out and smelling good now.

From everything I've read about hatching eggs, having them cool off is far less dangerous than overheating. It may delay the hatch, but usually doesn't kill them.
Congrats!  I think I know what made them lay...   you posted on this thread!  It's kind of like what happens when you take a car to the mechanic because it's making some dreadful noise, and as soon as you get there, the noise stops. 
lol very true! I pur a topic on last Saturday about my rooster not crowing.... he crowed for the first time Sunday mornin!!

Now my leghorns had her first egg today too so all are layin apart from the rir!!! Unbeleivable lol
This sites my lucky charm :)
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i'll have to reread most all the last posts... I've got company coming and of course... am scrambling to clean and take a break and clean... I know I wanted to respond to a couple of posts, but I remember the following...
Congrats for all the new layers WeeNicole!
love the turkeys to MC and CLindz (I think) nice pens to both!
morite, it's never easy to part with any of them, be it processing or rehoming. I think processing is harder... but that's me... you'll see for yourself.

Big Broody is looking gorgeous. I will post a pic after I get them out of the camera. I know cooling off isn't so bad, but the wetness was a concern, although whoever said it... has a good point. in nature, eggs must get damp to wet from time to time and it can't kill them all. fingers crossed, she's sitting on them so... and this ain't her first rodeo.

21 Eggs so far, a few still sitting, but I made the mistake of putting the basket down in the Foster pen and BAM! they snagged 4 and put holes in them. I was so annoyed! the Dome Dwellers would never do that (or they never have...)

I'll bbl!
I think the animals have gone crazy today! It may have something to do with the sun finally shining, and it is warmer than it has been in the mornings, while last night was in the mid to low thirties.
I have been starting my mornings with coffee on the swing, watching the flocks. Today I had to go right down to the Bourbon poults. I didn't give them heat last night. The chickens began yelling at me as soon as they saw me. The poults had tipped their food, and I think had another growth spurt overnight! I fwed them, and went to the BBW poults. They were low on food, so I pulled their feder out, and they went crazy! Surprisingly, they can still fit their heads through the fence, so I put the feeder against the fence while I filled it. They got upset again when I was putting it back.
I checked the gardens for frost damage, and went to the house for more coffee, and my tablet. I just sat down iut here when the dog wanted up. That is normal. Not normal is that he was kissing me all over. Yuck! I see what he eats!
So, everything on the farm is doing well this morning. I hope everyone is having a good morning!!

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