Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Howdy everybody! Been in Las Vegas with my brother for a few days. Haven't been there for 20 years, and it was cool to see so me of the new buildings which were beautifully done. Very interesting architecture and art all around. Much was still the same --- too many (drunk) people, too smokey (for me), and too hot. The big change is how ridiculously expensive it's become. Little bottle of water costs $4 or $5! It will probably be another 20 years before I see it again.

Got back yesterday eve too late to see the Serama babies. They are all fine, but I found red mites in the bantam coop!
Today will be spent cleaning and sterilizing the coop, then it will have to be done again in 4 days after any left over mite eggs hatch. Luckily, I think we caught it early, so the chickens are in pretty good shape and no signs of infestation in the big girl coop. I'll do preventative maintenance there though, since it's that time of year. Off to kill the little blood suckers!
mortie has a point... but anti-boredom toys can be enough of a distraction to give the picked on one's a break from time to time, at least for a little while. try stringing up a cabbage or netting of greens for them to jump for... or drill holes in small soda bottle, fill with seeds, cap and let them kick it to get the seeds out. any time there is stuff to do, life is better. sitting around too much leads to naughty behavior, even in my well behaved flock.
W4W! glad you had a good time - it's been at least 20 years since I've visited LA too... not surprised to hear that the urban hot spot is super pricey... whatever the market will bear... personally, I think it's outrageous to charge so much for water
good luck in the mite battle! hate those suckers!!!
I put a mirror out in my run and at first the chickens were a little scared of it. After a few minutes, curiosity got the better of them and they started pecking and challenging their reflections. Entertained them and me too. I have video of them.,,,see if I can find it.
mortie has a point... but anti-boredom toys can be enough of a distraction to give the picked on one's a break from time to time, at least for a little while. try stringing up a cabbage or netting of greens for them to jump for... or drill holes in small soda bottle, fill with seeds, cap and let them kick it to get the seeds out. any time there is stuff to do, life is better. sitting around too much leads to naughty behavior, even in my well behaved flock.
Thank you all for the ideas, for now the younger ones get upstairs during the day, I put water and food up there for them and propped open the nest box door, they seem to really like that idea and the older girls don't go there during the day. Last night I moved the young girls to their temp 'guest house' before the big girls went up to bed. Do you think I could trust them all together in the interior coop at night? Or just wait a few weeks.
kate, until you try, you'll never know, but if you have doubts... and can wait, then wait until they are a bit bigger... integration is always interesting.

I had to zoom in to get this video, I was pretty far across the yard, so the tiniest movement on my part translated into a large movement... but it's still a pretty cool video.
whatcha got Mama? is that your lunch?

that looks like a mighty big lunch... can I have some (read ALL...)

don't forget us too!!

I'm a sap.

it's a good thing Fannie was napping or I would have been tackled and not gotten any!

Hope y'all had as relaxing a Sunday!

20 Eggs today
whatcha got Mama? is that your lunch? that looks like a mighty big lunch... can I have some (read ALL...) [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] don't forget us too!! I'm a sap. it's a good thing Fannie was napping or I would have been tackled and not gotten any! Hope y'all had as relaxing a Sunday! 20 Eggs today
love it! Still no eggs, but so glad I'm here on this thread, lol. My chicken steals my pizza.

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