Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Can you tell Wilma that I don't have any barred rocks, but I do have a SLW who asked me to be friends today. I haven't forced myself on these chicks like I did the older ones lol.

Hey everyone! I got 11 eggs today. I am over run with eggs, and have 17-18 dozen in the kitchen.... Thats after fixing a dozen for us and 2 dozen for the dogs last night for supper. I think we are going to pick strawberries in the morning, so I won't be on here.... And then I am going to be making freezer jam and slicing some up for the freezer. YUMMY!!!!!
she's really cute. I only do what I need to do when they're young... after they reach point of lay, they become much friendlier. well, most of them anyway... and I have tons of gorgeous pics of Royce...

top is more recent, but the late afternoon sun obscured his face and muted his colors, but it shows his form beautifully

these 2 were taken in late winter, snow is gone, but grass is dead. check out those spurs!

he's beautiful, and for the most part, pretty docile. his latest behavior is not the norm. he got me really good (bad!) 2 weeks ago, I still have marks and he lost one of his spurs in my jeans. I was surprised that he tried it again today... I usually thrash him well enough that he doesn't mook around again for a half year or more. he better not do it again before Christmas or he'll be barbecue.
Hi, been following this thread. Royce is one beautiful rooster. Don't know much about roosters...are the spurs all nail?
Welcome lularat!
on behalf of Royce, thanks for the compliments! he's an Easter Egger, with a pea comb. the spurs are covered in a sheath of nail, but about half of the length inside the spur is fleshy nub. aside from his comb, he kind of looks like a Marsh Daisy. and today, he is on his best behavior. keeping a wide berth from me. it's gorgeous out, so the flock is out free ranging 80% of them are in the bath, 10% are sitting n the nests and the rest are milling about in the front yard... so I figured I could sneak in, make a cup of coffee and log on the computer for a moment.

hope y'all are having a good Saturday!!
Thanks for the info cheeka. Those spurs are quite the weapon and hope to never be on the receiving end. Weather is beautiful here as well.

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