Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Wishing4Wings - the chicken that has laid 12 days in a row from the very start is a New Hampshire.

OK - I'm enjoying seeing you here. I read many of your posts from the beginning and you have a lot of chicken drama!
"Drama"....... is a BR thing that results from the brain telling the bird/ roger that there is not enough food even if food is abundant, causing the bird to react in reckless behavior and take drastic measures to obtain more......"Drama"
This morning I gave them this good morning pie of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, lettuce, and cantaloupe. (Got the idea for oatmeal from one of y'all, thanks!)


Although I don't have a reason to give them this as only 1 of my 3 layers give me eggs. But they did look stinking cute with oatmeal all over their faces.
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Collected eggs yesterday and look what I found...a huge 110 gram (4.1 oz) egg from my sex link. Don't know how she got that one out...just glad she did.
I was almost expecting you to find a whole egg, shell and all, inside!
I guess the word egg is used loosely to refer to an incomplete egg as well. That's my mistake, sorry.
Some chickens have been selectively bred/engineered to lay as many as 2 eggs per day as their norm. 24 hours is just the "average" from my understanding.
It is 80* in the house tonight. Crazy how when the sun goes down, the temperature in the house continues to go up. It wasn't even that warm today! I managed to fix the coop door to the turkey pen and the main chicken coop. Both needed a latch and the bottom fixed. Cinder blocks for the turkeys The point is being able to move them when I need to rake the roost area, and the door clearing the "s" word this "w" word. And a board below the chicken coop door to keep bedding in. Tomorrow I will have to burn stuff (I am a pyromaniac at heart! ) and clean out the old eggs from the fridge. They are fun to burn. They pop! I also have to dismantle the small pen that the turkey poults were using, and get that cleaned out. Oh, joy! :p I have to move four straw bales first, and that is the part I am dreading the most. Only eight eggs today. I think I need to worm the girls. See if that helps. Night, everyone! Seriously, OK. I am so glad you are alright. :hugs
Why do you burn the old eggs? Just how old are they? Why not cook them and feed them back to the chickens?
Good to see you still here MC. I gave Big Broody six eggs tonight that came from the RIR rooster and the Delaware and BR hens. Will be interesting to see the results. I often wonder if my rooster is getting the job done so this will be a test for him as well. I don't really need a lot more birds so trying not to get carried away. Of course if [COLOR=FF0000]Roger [/COLOR] keeps good on her promise to leave I could afford to feed six more.
if any of the babies are black and have a white spot on their head, they are boys. Those will have come from your BRs.
howdy everyone! got a very early call from work that wasn't good, so I had a very long day and will have another tomorrow... but I got out there only to open the first box... and find a pair of mice. I can't load photos for some reason right now... maybe later. anyway, it was late when I got home but I still gave them an hour of free range and collected 13 Eggs. I'm pooped and sore. and it's supposed to start raining. my internet signal keeps going out.
Hi Cheeka....
Hi Mortie!!

The girls got only an hour of free range. We have another thunderstorm moving in, but the temps have been much better here. 80 today and the rest of week will be in the mid 70s. PERFECT!!
It is 80* in the house tonight. Crazy how when the sun goes down, the temperature in the house continues to go up. It wasn't even that warm today! I managed to fix the coop door to the turkey pen and the main chicken coop. Both needed a latch and the bottom fixed. Cinder blocks for the turkeys The point is being able to move them when I need to rake the roost area, and the door clearing the "s" word this "w" word. And a board below the chicken coop door to keep bedding in. Tomorrow I will have to burn stuff (I am a pyromaniac at heart! ) and clean out the old eggs from the fridge. They are fun to burn. They pop! I also have to dismantle the small pen that the turkey poults were using, and get that cleaned out. Oh, joy! :p I have to move four straw bales first, and that is the part I am dreading the most. Only eight eggs today. I think I need to worm the girls. See if that helps. Night, everyone! Seriously, OK. I am so glad you are alright. :hugs
Why do you burn the old eggs? Just how old are they? Why not cook them and feed them back to the chickens? I burned eight dozen eggs that were a month old because I have that many extra eggs! Yah chickens get eggs to eat all the time. This is what I just can't use up.

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