Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

You burned 8 dozen eggs??
OMG!! That is just not right! I have only 8 eggs in the fridge and the weekend is near.
heads will roll soon.
Why do you burn the old eggs? Just how old are they? Why not cook them and feed them back to the chickens?

I burned eight dozen eggs that were a month old because I have that many extra eggs! Yah chickens get eggs to eat all the time. This is what I just can't use up.
My hens produce approx. 20 eggs each day which comes out to between 11 and 12 dozen eggs a weekly. We sell a few, not many since we are 13 miles from the nearest town and folks don't seem to want to drive that far to buy fresh eggs even at 2 bucks a dozen. So, every Tuesday a.m. I take our surplus in to a little food pantry to donate. Many years ago we had to make use of a food bank and were always getting things like corn bread mix or cake mix and no eggs so it just made since to us to donate now that we have them and can. Plus they are a great source of protein. Surely there is some place near you that would be happy to take any eggs you could give rather than burn them.
I live in a small town. The nearest food pantry is thirty miles away. (Most have shut down)They didn't want them when I offered. Too many lawsuits in today's world.
that's really odd. Most places should/would take them.

Maybe ask a local church or mosque (or temple, if you have them) if they could give them to hungry families. There has to be down on your luck people where you live.
If I had 8 dozen eggs I didn't want, I would give them to Roger so she could trick OK into thinking she was laying 2-3 a day. Then it would be legally Charlotte's web and she could never be on the near bird list...

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