Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

WE GOT ANOTHER EGG LAYER!!! very odd egg though. We got it!
Pictures... we need pictures. You know what they say.... If you don't have a picture, it didn't happen. btw.... congratulations!!
TWO... I might take Rumples out of the egg laying list. I am not sure why she quit laying, but I think that maybe she feels pain when I carry her out to free range. Sometimes she will flap her wings wildly while I carry her out. I am going to try leaving her in the pen for a week or two. It kills me though. I want her to feel the cool grass on her feet.
Wow, two eggs in 7 days!! Maybe in a month we can have one for each family member lol.
Still getting lots of hanging out in the coop and nest boxes and acting funny by the EE and the Polish, but I think the eggs so far have been from the australorps because they are brown.
Envious of all you regular egg collectors out there and I don't even want to think about having eight dozen EXCESS!!
Today we got 10!

All from the RSL's


I've been missing my byc time! I'm finished with the crazy schedule and double routes for the time being. which couldn't be better as I am completely wiped out. we're having rain and thunder today, but it's supposed to clear up this afternoon. frankly, I'm taking a nap no matter the weather. I'm a bad napper, so tick off 4 hours... I'm not letting them out. I have 2 huge soft melons that my customer gave to me specifically for the chickens (love that!) so... I'll make them a mad pie for an evening feast. I'll make up for the lack of free range this weekend.

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