Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

They are on layer feed and there are always feathers around, I guess it could be molting, but nobody looks pathetic. I have a couple Roos and we have decided which to keep, so when the other is gone, it might be a more peaceful environment. If it's molting, I would feel so so so robbed!!!
10 today! Tomorrow I sell some eggs for the first time. 5 dozen going out the door! I'm pretty excited about it. I told my DW that chicken math says we need more chickens, she said why, I said because the more we have the more eggs I can sell. She then informs me that if I would quit giving eggs away to friend I would have more to sell already! Lord I hate it when she uses logic instead of emotion!!!
Big earthquake here! About half an hour ago at 3:20 am. Woke me up and now I can't get back to sleep until the adrenaline fades. No damage here, but it really freaked out the cats. Ming ran off to hide and hasn't reappeared yet. First reports say 6.0, so that's a pretty good one. Scrambled eggs for breakfast!!!
Big earthquake here!  About half an hour ago at 3:20 am.  Woke me up and now I can't get back to sleep until the adrenaline fades.  No damage here, but it really freaked out the cats.  Ming ran off to hide and hasn't reappeared yet.  First reports say 6.0, so that's a pretty good one.  Scrambled eggs for breakfast!!!
6.1 according to cnn and strongest quake in 25 years! Glad you guys are all ok and no damage.
Big earthquake here!  About half an hour ago at 3:20 am.  Woke me up and now I can't get back to sleep until the adrenaline fades.  No damage here, but it really freaked out the cats.  Ming ran off to hide and hasn't reappeared yet.  First reports say 6.0, so that's a pretty good one.  Scrambled eggs for breakfast!!!

Hang in there, that is a pretty big one! Hope everything stays ok for you!
Yikes! Hope everything stays good there.

I dreamed about my girls and the hawk last night...crazy. can't wait to hear the chicken sitters report later today. Only one more week til we go home.
I heard about that earthquake, yikes!

All four girls are finally laying. For those who are anxiously waiting your first egg, it will happen! Mine were 21 weeks for the first, then around the 23rd week for the rest. Today my Easter Egger finally laid her first egg, and it's huge! 62 grams!


Val I told you you'd have all yours laying before me! That is a really pretty egg! Color me jealous!

Thanks, mortie! I was so shocked to find this big blue egg this's probably a double yolk, but I'm not ready to break it yet. Here are my 4 girls' eggs, each is a little different color.

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