Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

It is happening between noon and four o'clock in the afternoon when they are out. I am leaning toward canine or falcon. Yesterday there was no sign of them at all. The other day there were 3 piles of feathers from the big hen and no sign of the babies. And who knows it may be more than one thing.
howdy howdy howdy... I will have to backtrack to page 1500 so I can catch up, but it will have to wait til after work. I've had a heck of a time here, flock is fabulous, and still laying between 14-18 eggs daily.

my sweet old gal, MinMin had taken a severe turn for the worse at the end of the week, and I had to take her to be euthanized yesterday morning. it took most of the afternoon to dig her grave. it's so rocky and it was very hot. I hit a boulder about 6-8" above where I wanted her, so I went on a hunt for a large piece of shale - found a perfect piece, 3" thick, the exact size of the hole. so she is safely tucked at the bottom, several inches of earth on top, then the slab of rock, then more earth and the sod. she cannot be reached by a predator despite not being more than 3' down. poor old gal was suffering and it was so sad. she was fighting right to the end, such a remarkable cat... my Sweetie has been here, which has made it so much easier to cope.

miss y'all... welcome to the new "waiters" and congrats for those who've had their newest eggs! Peach and Gossamer have weaned away from their chicks, the chicks were ranging with everyone very well - Royce watching over them as well as Fannie and Big Broody's "Sister" Fawn. pretty cute. the little pullets have been named. the large fowl is Lilac, and the bantam Silkie mix is Cressa (roll the r just a bit) she's got a little poofy "hat" on her head. pics later!
So the girls have had several 100% days in a row. I think since we have been gone there have only been like 2 days when all the layers didn't produce. She had another 4 egg day yesterday. Since she only has 2 people in her house she has been quickly overwhelmed by all the eggs and is now leaving them for me which I will likely share with my neighbors since it looks like I will have a couple dozen when I get back.

Cheeka- great to see you. Sorry about min min :(

Lindz- sorry about your chicKies :(

Congrats to all the new layers! To all the new waiters - hang in there!
This is how I feel sometimes when I wait then other times its
. So to date I've got only the EE laying and 0 from my dang CCLs (that were supposedly laying when we bought them 2and 1/2 months ago!)
Tn - ikwym. Sometimes I was all chill waiting and sometimes it was like the seconds were ticking by sooooo slooooow. I though Maggie would be first because she was always the most developed but she was the last of my red birds to lay. I expected my ameracaunas to lay between 23-25 weeks because that's what the breeder said she usually gets and they were right on target. Having a good estimate for when they would start made it easier to wait. My reds I was on pins and needles for weeks! It also helps that I am away and can't obsess about it. :)

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