Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Well I had my first animal attack. Was getting ready for my step-grandmothers burial (my stepmom was thrilled me and my mom were going...yes we're a wierd family) when I looked outside to see feathers. Thought it was odd so took a look outside and see a chicken on the ground and 2 dogs running along the property.

It was so traumatic. I thought I had lost more but the one on the ground hopped up and ran into the run once it was safe. Another chicken had wedged itself into the wood pile and is doing just fine.

So far the only causality is my most favorite!!!! My only teenage polish pullet cruella!!! Who was a smooth polish with a single white feather on her head. She was beautiful!!!! I'm so sad!!

Still missing a couple but it seems most escaped to the woods... And the others laid eggs so was probably more traumatic for me.

A risk of free ranging I know but ugghhh why don't people keep their dogs under controll? Can't blame the dogs. None of the chickens had anything but missing feathers and even the dead one didn't have any wounds so I don't think the dogs were vicious...just had running play things to chase and catch.

Well I called the cops, filed a report, drove 80+ and made it yo the service w 15 min to spare.

Edited to add all safe and sound except the one who was dead earlier. There is one that I put in a dog crate cause she's not moving much but no visible wounds... And we laid 6 eggs!
I'm so sorry to hear this! I free range too and just started 7 months ago. I'm totally addicted and certainly have my favorites. I got a German shepherd pup just before getting my new chicks so he was raised with them. He is very protective and doesn't allow the neighbors dogs on our land anymore. Keeping fingers crossed he continues to protect. Sending healing chicken vibes your way!
Never seen the dogs and we don't live in an area where loose dogs are the norm... Too many busy streets.

The irony is that Rawley (great Pyr)is still a pup and not outside yet (and I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable w him taking on two dogs at this age).

And or permanent run isn't ready yet so I have no other options but to either keep them in a really small enclosed run or let them free range again... I def won't let them out early as the attack happened early morning (8am) just in case there is a pattern. My husband let them out this evening and nobody seemed phased by the excitement.
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The Ghost of Captain Blackbeard started laying today. About a week after her sister. Her sister's is on the bottom right and hers is the bottom left. Can't get a good color showing, but its dark green! Not quite olive, lol
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8 today! Minus the 3 that broke when I stepped in a hole and fell flat only face. I couldn't catch myself because I was trying to save the eggs lol!
[COLOR=800080]Hmmm... seems familiar to me. I might have done that too. Hey, the bright side is... you saved 5 of the eggs.[/COLOR]

The 3 hoodlums .... I mean teenagers laughed for about 20 minutes at me until I told them they were all grounded. Then I told them they were adopted!
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We got 7 and a rubbery mess! My girls are starting to molt too I think. Zauk got into another fight and has a big gash on his hip. I was supposed to go to a high school reunion this weekend so it looks like we are going to be putting in an underground fence.

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