Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I have a BO that usually lays eggs in the coop rather than the nesting box. She's crazy but we love her. I hadn't gotten an egg from her in 2 weeks. Wondering if she finally figured it out (after 9 mos), or she's just taking a break. Till I catch her on the nest guess I won't know.

In other news, it's moving day! The babies are going to the brooder on the back porch... they have outgrown the aquarium. I will miss having chicken tv inside, but if I can't find the 9yo, I should definitely check the back porch 1st.I'll post pics later.
savannah, you just brought back a great memory of Mylee from her last visit! couldn't find her, called, she said she's in the kitchen... I noticed the fridge door was open... she was sitting on the bottom shelf, kissing the eggs.
70*, the official melting point of chicken

I ate my breakfast outside

we had a moving day too! Gossamer and the chicks are out of the house and in the broody pen! new tarp roof, fresh straw floor and the deluxe extra large kennel re-installed. they love it!

coming soon, green grass and lilac buds

Cressa's eggs didn't hatch. I took them away last week. she stayed put for a few days, but has been up and about since yesterday. really happy to see her outside. I couldn't get anymore chicks small enough to give to her when the time was right... so we'll take it as it comes

holding Portia and Brutus, trying to get a new profile pic...

nope... not today

hope everyone had a great weekend!
I had to buy ANOTHER dozen of eggs from the GROCERY STORE last night!

I walk outside this morning to find the ladies sunbathing on the deck!

"Who extended this vacation!?" I asked them. "Get off your butts, go lay me some eggs, and then we can talk! Private sunbathing deck is closed until further notice!"

They gave me blank stares before resuming their sunbathing chicken-business.

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Oh Marie. They're just making sure you understand who is in charge!
Welcome to the chicken world!

I got two lovely eggs from the big hens, but that rotten scrub jay put holes in both!
I am working on a curtain for the door that the hens will go through but not that devil bird.

Be-yooooo-ti-ful picture Cheeka! Is that a special lens for closeups?
Hey everyone! BYC hasn't been working for me lately. I'm currently over run with chicks! Bitty has 5, Bertie has 9 so far, I picked up 30 meat chicks last week, Beulah is sitting on 12 and Eloise is sitting on 6. I have had to put down one of the Golden comet girls and my rooster has turned into a bully! I think that is most of whats going on around here! So, here's a bunch of pictures! ;)




Marie! those are some beautiful ladies you've got there!!!

W4W, macro lens. love it. I got a whole bunch of fabulous photos of various bees and bugs on that small patch of crocus. it was so much fun!

lindz, those little blue peeps make me melt! I just love them all! good luck with the meaties, I know it's a big project!

walking cotton candy.

this is a pretty good photo to describe our afternoon... it was so nice out... shake off old Man Winter...

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