Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I did the floating test and 13 out of 16 floated, so that's a good sign I guess

+ I think that as her first time of being a mother she'll sit more than 21 days because of non good experience of moving the eggs slot under her!
They do not eat enough or exercise enough when they are broody. Check her to make sure she has not lost too much weight.

The float test is to show wiggle movement in the eggs. It is not the best way to tell if chicken eggs are alive. It is about the only way to tell if emu eggs are alive. If there are chicks still alive in the egg, you should hear them chirp.
Hey all... I am way far behind. Sorry... I need 411 please.

Little Bit has been making an odd display. Like a turkey. She has done this 3 times, just before attempting to attack Rumples. She gets down low.... spreads her wings on the ground and flares out her tail feathers, just like a gobbler. I really need to try and get a picture. Have any of you ever seen this display? oh... I forgot.... she also lets out an "AWWWWKKKK!!!"
Scrambles, I could have sworn I posted pics of Esther last summer, but I'm not finding them in a search of the photos on this thread. anyway, she looked just like a turkey, wings dropped low and held out, seriously puffed, tail too... and she went after anyone who came too close, or who might be standing where she felt like standing at that moment. she went broody after a few days of turkey trottin'.
They do not eat enough or exercise enough when they are broody. Check her to make sure she has not lost too much weight.

The float test is to show wiggle movement in the eggs. It is not the best way to tell if chicken eggs are alive. It is about the only way to tell if emu eggs are alive. If there are chicks still alive in the egg, you should hear them chirp.
I've had enough!! I will leave them and don't care and wait to see if something hatched, my two little babies are enough
i went and got 19 eggs from a farm, boy talk about a lot of chickens ans all free range, my hen is setting on 8 of them the rest we are hopeing to hutch in the house have to wait to see what we get, they had a beatiful yellow chicken, i hope i get one of them
Hope everyone survived Monday. Not much new around here. Trying to get the garden started. Five little broody hens went into bunny cages to try to un-broody them. After 3 partial days, only one is still acting like a turkey. My Leghorn is sleeping in a nest box for the forth night in a row. She is not doing so great again. She gets around and eats, so not suffering too much, but I think it's the beginning of the end for her. We'll see how she is tomorrow.

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