Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

rant coming, really irrelevant... but I can't post it anywhere else...

got to work, mail piled all over the place but I have no tray(s) of letters. no biggie, sort the flats first anyway... and wait. still no letters, sort the parcels... go find the clerk out back smoking, where are my letters? she looks dumbfounded. comes in, sees I have no trays, blank look... no call from another office saying they have my letters... so I ask her to check her emails. none... so I take my mail and load up and wait. once we hit a certain time with no call, I can go. ridiculous day. I have virtually nothing to deliver.
get back, and lo' and behold! my letter trays are sitting at my station along with a bunch of express pieces. one of the express pieces (guaranteed to be delivered in 1 day) is dated 6/14/14???? I pointed it out and the clerk just shrugged, said someone must have put the wrong date on... ??? nope. it was lost for almost a year. so I got yelled at by customer like I personally hid it for all that time. Clerk also said I don't have to redo my route because the mail arrived after some made up deadline. wrong again. I got home, so frustrated and annoyed that I went to lie down for an hour. 5 hours later... here I am. still annoyed.
thunderstorms tomorrow

19 eggs today
I made it through my birthday. Not as bad as it could have been. I almost bought myself a Harley! I was at the shop, looking for a new pair of earrings. The earrings I finally decided on were half off, and $254!'!!! I looked again at the used bike, but new that I should not buy it. For the record, no I do not have my motorcycle license. From what the sales associate was saying though, he probably would have given me private lessons (wink wink).
I spent way too much buying vegetable starters yesterday. If I didn't though, I doubt I would have a garden this year. I keep talking myself out of gardening. I only got what I know I can handle. With two rototillers, I don't know how to use either. All gardening will be done by hand. Red and green bell peppers, Jalapenos, and Tabasco peppers, two or three kinds of tomatoes, strawberry plants and today I found a dwarf Red Delicious tree to replace the apple tree that didn't make it through the winter. I am excited about the tree. It has a fairly thick trunk and flowers on it. Jonny(Jonathan apple tree) isn't even that far along. I think the deer have something to do with that. I'll have to put up netting or a barrier.
Happy Belated Birthday MC! I bought my first motorcycle before I had my license too. getting the license was a cake walk. I say go for it!

we still have a good two weeks of overnight frost, so any gardening done here will have to be indoors... but then the kitties make a mess if I don't hide it, and if I hide it... I forget about the trays and they don't get watered.
we have the mommy in a nest in garage with 8 eggs she seems happy, we go in and she don't go at us like to kill, can not wait till the 22 day hope some come throw, if not i may get peeps from auction, we also have 28 peep eggs and 1 turkey egg inside hope they peep, we got a nice load of eggs yesterday but i am still waiting for 48 eggs in one day the first picture is from the camper coup the bottom is from our coop.

I made it through my birthday. Not as bad as it could have been. I almost bought myself a Harley! I was at the shop, looking for a new pair of earrings. The earrings I finally decided on were half off, and $254!'!!! I looked again at the used bike, but new that I should not buy it. For the record, no I do not have my motorcycle license. From what the sales associate was saying though, he probably would have given me private lessons (wink wink).
I spent way too much buying vegetable starters yesterday. If I didn't though, I doubt I would have a garden this year. I keep talking myself out of gardening. I only got what I know I can handle. With two rototillers, I don't know how to use either. All gardening will be done by hand. Red and green bell peppers, Jalapenos, and Tabasco peppers, two or three kinds of tomatoes, strawberry plants and today I found a dwarf Red Delicious tree to replace the apple tree that didn't make it through the winter. I am excited about the tree. It has a fairly thick trunk and flowers on it. Jonny(Jonathan apple tree) isn't even that far along. I think the deer have something to do with that. I'll have to put up netting or a barrier.
Do you make lots of salsa? That list of yummy peppers is making my mouth water!!!
Thanks for the b-day wishes.
I actually don't make salsa. I made it once or twice, but it doesn't get used too often. I make chili!! I like Serrano peppers, but they are hard to find. I hope the Tabasco peppers taste okay.
I'll have to keep the plants inside for quite a while, but that just means an earlier harvest!
we had a smattering of snow on the ground this morning and threats of more later this evening, but 50 F is expected for the high today. I haven't yet gone outside to see if Esther is still sitting on her eggs, I'll be out there in 15 minutes
oh yeah, I never posted here last night...! Esther is my bantam Marans who always wants to brood in the apple coop, so it's never successful... and when I move her, she breaks... for a day or two anyway... so yesterday afternoon, I moved her into her won kennel in Gossy's pen. at first, she was up on the roost like usual, but I fussed over her, built her comfy nest, kicked Gossy out... and Esther got the hint. she was settled for the rest of the afternoon and every check throughout the evening, she was perfect. hope she's still sitting!

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