Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

thanks ron!

looks like I'll not be moving for a while... stuff is still in the works, but the house never sold and I just got a great transfer offer that will take a while to happen, but I'm going to take it. plus, I got a message from my mechanic about a really nice, totally rebuilt BMW wagon (1994) that he'll sell to me for less than he originally planned, and he'll take payments. not that I need to do that, he is only asking $2500. so, it's not anything like I planned, but life is still good and I will be able to take proper vacations at the other office. I'll have a relief carrier, so covering other offices will no longer be a huge pain in the butt... and the Post Master is so supportive and wonderful to work with/for... I may regain my joy for the job... I'll certainly miss my current customers, but I will still see many of them as they are also egg customers.
thanks ron!

looks like I'll not be moving for a while... stuff is still in the works, but the house never sold and I just got a great transfer offer that will take a while to happen, but I'm going to take it. plus, I got a message from my mechanic about a really nice, totally rebuilt BMW wagon (1994) that he'll sell to me for less than he originally planned, and he'll take payments. not that I need to do that, he is only asking $2500. so, it's not anything like I planned, but life is still good and I will be able to take proper vacations at the other office. I'll have a relief carrier, so covering other offices will no longer be a huge pain in the butt... and the Post Master is so supportive and wonderful to work with/for... I may regain my joy for the job... I'll certainly miss my current customers, but I will still see many of them as they are also egg customers.
That is great news!
thanks ron!

looks like I'll not be moving for a while... stuff is still in the works, but the house never sold and I just got a great transfer offer that will take a while to happen, but I'm going to take it. plus, I got a message from my mechanic about a really nice, totally rebuilt BMW wagon (1994) that he'll sell to me for less than he originally planned, and he'll take payments. not that I need to do that, he is only asking $2500. so, it's not anything like I planned, but life is still good and I will be able to take proper vacations at the other office. I'll have a relief carrier, so covering other offices will no longer be a huge pain in the butt... and the Post Master is so supportive and wonderful to work with/for... I may regain my joy for the job... I'll certainly miss my current customers, but I will still see many of them as they are also egg customers.

New car, new job, and Mylee coming soon!
Wonderful news!
I called Mylee's home this morning (I call every morning...) and today, Mylee answered - she knew it was me - "Good Morning Omi!! TEN DAYS and we're leaving for New York! the next few things she said were high pitched, excited & spoken so quickly... I had to laugh!

TEN DAYS! they're driving so that means she'll be here in roughly 12!!!

above is my little quitter, Esther... clearly no longer broody... I figured she might resume her normal hogging of the apple coop nest, but she hasn't... Gretel is doing well and ate from my hand this morning without getting all freaked out about my presence.

it started sprinkling around 1, so I put everyone away for a bit, gives me a chance to get some things done... but we'll head back out in an hour or so... unless I get a burst of energy to go shopping. I've decided that I really want a hammock. it's been years since I had one.

I shot a video today and took some pics!

The video is compiling but the pictures are ready.

Pita Pinta and an OE chick(Partridge Penedesenca x Arkansas Blue)

Black and splash Australorps and an Trader Joes chick, 17 weeks old.

ron - those pics are super! such beautiful babies...!

my EE Isis had let me pick her up, so I was walking around, giving her snuggles, when I heard a great flapping behind me. someone was jealous.

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