Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Family. Whatcha gonna do?

You guys aren't going to believe this. I mean, it is so shocking, I just can't react! I still have Duckling! She was supposed to leave this evening, and now it will be tomorrow evening. I just! I just! I can't believe it, can you?!

I am shocked beyond words.

Lucky girl !
I am ticked off. I meant to put her Christmas pajamas on tonight. I knew deep down that she would be here tonight. Obviously, since I bought those pajamas about three months ago! At 6:30 she was crying so hard and being so irritable (she really does not feel good. Dehydrated too! Not one properly wet diaper today) that I just grabbed the first pair of pajamas downstairs and put her into bed.
I still thought her parents would show up within an hour or so, or else I would have bathed her and put her into them at six.
Oh well! I'll take a picture tomorrow. And who knows? She might still fit into them next year. They are a size 3T. It's totally possible she will continue to slim down and get taller.

Merry Christmas from my Clan to yours!

I haven't seen most of these folks since 1995, which means I never met the now grown kids... the photobomber and the brunette live in Colorado, so I have seen them more recently. it was a blast, I almost didn't go... I had sent my gifts ahead - my cousin Debi wanted the Upstate calendars, so I signed them and mailed them to her with a copy of my book for her Mom (my Aunt)... then I had an out if my knee got in the way and they would still have gifts... then this morning, I got busy doing something stupid, and was running behind, and no... not marketland,.. that was done early early. I was uploading photos on viewbug and entering challenges and contests... then it was time to go, so I took the dogs out one more time, doesn't Chester take off...? he's been perfect, so it totally figures. but he let me catch him pretty quick, and I was less than an hour behind schedule, so I went. it was awesome. so glad I did, gorgeous drive, I will do some of that ride again soon when I take time off, the photo ops are incredible.

ramble ramble, good night all, Merry Christmas again, and I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Eight years ago, it was my sister's black lab mix versus by Pom-a-Poo puppy. Yesterday it was her yellow lab and my Shih-Poo. The last dog went blind. That won't happen again. I'm handling it differently. Also, this time seems less severe.
A belated Merry Christmas to everyone!

Cheeka, what a wonderful day you had! That's a huge smile on your face! Looks like a very fun group. I am envious. The majority of our day was spent at the inlaws, which can get tense and annoying, with one particular person doing everything she can to make herself the constant center of attention (think giant mosquito). Sadly, it's nothing new. The other relatives there are great and we enjoyed visiting, but everyone ends up feeling the strain and it is a relief to get home for a little peace. My dad, brother, and sis will be coming over for dinner tonight, which will be nice. All three of them live alone, so we are the family hub on my side. They were also here for Christmas eve and opening presents on Christmas morning too. We all live less than 15 minutes away!

MC, if I could take a picture of Scooter's left eye, you would have trouble telling him and Sturgis apart, except Sturgis is cleaner!!
Tuesday, I found Scooter's eye sealed shut with gunk and matted hair. He wouldn't let me touch it, so off to the vet. They got a huge fox tail out! poor guy. Since he had to be put under, they also cleaned his teeth. The eye looks fine now. Still putting ointment in a few times a day, but if it weren't for the shaved ring around the eye, you'd never know which one had the problem.
Love the new avatar pic!!! And what a sweetie little girl in her Santa jammies!!!
I was tempted to ask them to clip his nails all the way back. Had he been at his regular vet, they would have asked if I wanted that done automatically. If you remember, when he got here after being with my husband for a few months, his nails were so overgrown that he was walking on his wrists. The veterinarian said that putting him under and cutting his nails all the way back, thus cutting into the quick, was the best way. I wasn't asking an emergency vet to do that.
Yes, I've been clipping away at them. It's slow going though.
Dogs. They are troublesome! I'm sorry I dropped the dog's insurance.

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