Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Sweet little Bunny, you take such doting care... my new flock won't be getting out of their pen much at all. too risky. so we'll make the pen as large and luxurious as possible.

the ducklings are such a riot! yes, they are Pekins. Bunny is a tad larger than Quackington, and is also very quiet in comparison. Bunny is fine being handled or being left alone in the brooder. Quackington is fine being handled, but is not fine being left alone in the brooder! peep peep peepin' like a duckling all lost and alone...break ya heart.

they love their water dish and play games in it until they are's so good to have birds again!

Our duckling named Bunny didn't make we got another pair.
Left is Sweet Pea, top is Ping and lower is Quackington.
We'll get 4 chickens instead of 6 because of the extra duck.
Sorry about your Bunny. Unbelievably, my Bunny is still alive. Spoonfuls of water and nibbles of food... how long can she last like this? She can sort of stand, sort of move herself to a new spot in the small cage, but won't eat or drink on her own. If I was tougher, I would put her down, but she is very good at making direct eye contact. Window to the soul, eyes are.
It's amazing how long they can hang on, or even recover from pretty devastating injuries/illnesses... I could never put one down myself either.

Quackington, Sweet Pea and Ping are all doing great and getting big. I had to go to Denver for a few days because my dad had cataract surgery, so I brought them with me. My mom really enjoyed them...and brought home all kinds of leftovers for them to try.
I'd already given them peas,but now they've had tomato, carrot, shredded cabbage, fish - herring and salmon! and string beans chopped up...they're already spoiled.
I'll get new pics later, but I can't access this site from my pc anymore. Been over a week...just won't load properly. At least I can get in on my phone...
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Those are going to be the healthiest ducks in the west!
Have you started on the coop yet?

Strange that you can't access the site. If you give Nifty the details of your operating system, etc, they might be able fix it.

Sadly, I put Bunny out of her misery yesterday. Not the first time I've done it, but certainly the hardest. She would go most of a day without taking any food or water, so I was expecting her to die, but the next day, she would drink several spoonfuls and eat some too. Then the process would repeat. No sign signs of her improving. earlier this week, I goofed and forgot to lock up the hens... and my Marans was killed as a result. Not my best week! But I did end up getting 2 chicks, a Welsummer and an Australorp. The Wellie will replace the dark eggs we were enjoying from the Marans, and the Lorp is to replace the fact that she was a black bird, and I loved the Lorp I had before. So 2 chicks to replace one hen. haha! No choice really, since it's miserable to raise a single chick.

Hope you get your computer connection fixed back up.
Those are going to be the healthiest ducks in the west!
Have you started on the coop yet?

Strange that you can't access the site. If you give Nifty the details of your operating system, etc, they might be able fix it.

Sadly, I put Bunny out of her misery yesterday. Not the first time I've done it, but certainly the hardest. She would go most of a day without taking any food or water, so I was expecting her to die, but the next day, she would drink several spoonfuls and eat some too. Then the process would repeat. No sign signs of her improving. earlier this week, I goofed and forgot to lock up the hens... and my Marans was killed as a result. Not my best week! But I did end up getting 2 chicks, a Welsummer and an Australorp. The Wellie will replace the dark eggs we were enjoying from the Marans, and the Lorp is to replace the fact that she was a black bird, and I loved the Lorp I had before. So 2 chicks to replace one hen. haha! No choice really, since it's miserable to raise a single chick.

Hope you get your computer connection fixed back up.
I am sorry to hear about the loss!

I had to put one down last week. I do not wait too long though, especially when they are over 5 years old.
Last week, DH put down my Welsummer mix hen. She stopped laying and suddenly looked ill. The only symptoms were,lathargy and later, her tail was always pointed straight up in the air. Opposite of being egg bound, but I checked anyway. Nope... no egg to be felt. Her crop was empty and she would not eat. I brought her into the house for warmth and quite. By morning, she looked so much worse, so Hubby took care of the poor thing.
I will miss her beautiful dark brown eggs. When Rumples goes broody, I hope to get a few Wellsummers eggs for her to hatch.
Thanks for the link, I'll try later.

So sorry for the losses, one of my old gals was also put down for non stop sour crop...but Brutus, Dutch and Neffy and the rest are doing great, and all the rest that went to other homes are also all still alive and well...
I want a specific coop and run setup, but I can't even buy it until it's in stock until May 12th.
I'm considering talking to my neighbor and just buldong handyman have vanished. Kinda bummed about that...
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