Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

you're right W4W, the Seramas are more "chicken-like" in miniature, whereas the Silkies are... well... odd. I needed eggs for Peach, and I just figured why not... they have beards... that's one of my favorite features for a chicken. Beards and muffs. I like big headed chickens. don't get me wrong, I adore BR's, and still intend to raise a good line of heritage birds starting next year, but they are funny... nice fat bird with a pin head.

12 Eggs today...

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Saw a nice looking Silkie at the feed store and was tempted, but it was 95% cockerel, which is probably why it was there. What color will your silkies be? I have heard of a "vaulted skull" with regards to them, but don't know exactly what it is, or if good or bad. Have you heard of this?
SEVEN....Today We Laid Seven Eggs.

One Egg Short Of Perfect......
That is all
Vaulted Skulls are common in Silkies and in Polish, Silkie with skulls vaults are more open with less protection to the brain where as with a Polish skull vaults is fully or near fully enclosed skull vault. It stands to reason that this is due to this trait being in the Polish for much longer than other breeds that have a more "open" vault.
The skull vault (as in a Polish) gives more stability to the crest as well as shape, otherwise birds with large crests often have crests that flop over to one side or the other.

A - Is a Vaulted Skull.
B - Is a Non-vaulted Skull


found this post written by Chris09, on one of the threads regarding Vaulted Skulls... I hadn't given their anatomy much thought... I think it will be okay, I can keep them safe enough... accidents can happen, but my flock is pretty gentle, as flocks go... they mix well during free range, I don't let the big roosters out with anyone other than big roosters. so without that particular threat... there is room to escape if say... Wilma wants that piece of watermelon a Silkie chick is munching on...
Well, my little chick is turning out to be very friendly. It gets out a lot, and its a little bantam. I am praying it's a female, I'd hate to ever have to give it away. But like I said, it gets out a lot, I'm not too sure how. I think it follows mama then cant get back up the ramp so it goes out of the run to keep from being picked on and cheeps really loud. Well tonight, it didn't get into the house with mama and I went to find it. It wasn't cheeping, so I started clicking with my tongue and it ran out of the bushes and waited at my feet to be picked up!
Holy Poof! I just signed in and see I have a ton of catching up to do. Spent the weekend with some friends over for a birthday. Everyone loves the chicks...even non "chicken" people love them. They are living outside now. We tried adoption...

Ended up having to take them away as the 'mama' started chasing the little black one around and pecking it and trying to scratch it. So now they are hanging in their new digs alone. I hooked up the brinsea for the nights but basically they ignore it and just play in the hay and all over the place. My husband gave them a big box in there...I swear they play fort. The big chickens like to come over and chatter to them. I wish I could let one of the girls adopt them but as this was my only chance and seeing how mean she was....I am nervous. I might just let them sit on the eggs next time. Speaking of next time I am ordering more eggs

Hope everyone is swell!

Will check in more this week with updated pictures....feathering is so fast this time around!
good rescue AL! it's always unnerving when my count is off and I've circled the house...glad you found it, and I hope it turns out to be a pullet, friendliness is not necessarily a trait only found in cockerels...

OK, one short of perfect... you didn't name names, could it be she laid today????????
Okay three pages or so caught up...welcome lindz ...

Speaking of BR' father dropped by the chickens today and asked why we don't have more like our Lucy BR....bahahaha he says she is the best looking chicken and adores her. I swear she ate it up like PIE! Mind you my father is all about the RIR normally but he just adores Lucy. I told him maybe I would get a couple eggs like her.
Awwww Sally. they are so cute! too bad it didn't work out with the adoption... that would have been really cool... but they will fit themselves into the flock just fine when it's time. Peach's last chicks are 11.5 weeks old, as big as she is, and still not mixing with any of the LF... I figure that as long as they don't mess with the new chicks, they can stay with her, and they can all move into the dome together by the time the snow flies...
does your father have any idea what he's saying???

just look at that face... yikes! I wouldn't want to be the one to say that
you'll get one just like her for every egg you hatch.

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